Tremec 3 Speed
1. Remove transmission cover.
2. Remove extension housing. To prevent mainshaft from following housing (with resultant loss of needle bearings) tap end of mainshaft while withdrawing housing.
3. Remove front bearing retainer.
4. Remove filter plug from right side of case. Then working through plug opening, drive roll pin out of case and countershaft with small punch.
5. Hold counter gear with a hook and, with a dummy shaft, push counter- shaft out rear of case until counter gear can be lowered to bottom of case.
6. Pull main drive gear forward until gear contacts case, then remove large snap ring.
NOTE: On some models, it is necessary to move gear forward to provide clearance when removing mainshaft assembly. On other models, the drive gear is removed from front of case.
7. Remove snap ring and slide speedometer drive gear off mainshaft. Remove lock ball from shaft.
8. Remove snap ring and remove main- shaft rear bearing from shaft and case.
9. Place both shift levers in neutral (central) position.
10. Remove set screw that retains detent springs and plugs in case. Remove one spring and plug.
11. Remove low-reverse set screw and slide shift rail out through rear of case.
12. Rotate low-reverse shift fork upward and lift it from case.
13. Remove 2-3 set screw and rotate 2-3 shift rail 90 degrees with pliers.
14. Lift interlock plug from case with a magnet rod.
15. Tap inner end of 2-3 shift rail to remove expansion plug from front of case. Remove shift rail.
16. Remove 2-3 detent plug and spring from detent bore.
17. Rotate 2-3 shift fork upward and lift from case.
18. Lift mainshaft assembly out through top of case.
19. On some transmissions, push main drive gear into case until bearing is free of bore, then lift gear and bearing through top of case.
20. Working through front bearing opening, drive reverse idler gear shaft out through rear of case with a drift.
21. Lift reverse idler gear and two thrust washers from case.
22. Lift counter gear and thrust washers from case. Be careful not to allow dummy shaft and needle bearings to fall out of gear.
23. Remove countershaft-to-case retaining pin and any needle bearings that may have fallen into case.
24. Unfasten and lift shift levers off shafts. Slide each lever and shaft out of case. Discard 0-ring seal from each shaft.
25. Remove snap ring from front end of mainshaft and remove synchronizers, gears and related parts.
26. If main drive gear is to be disassembled.