Alignment: Service and Repair
Caster and camber adjustments are made by means of shims between the upper control arm inner support shaft and the support bracket attached to the frame. Shims may be added, subtracted or transferred to change the readings as follows.
Transfer shims from front to rear or rear to front. The transfer of one shim to the front bolt from the rear bolt will decrease positive caster. One shim (1/32 inch) transferred from the rear bolt to the front bolt will change caster about 1/2°.
Change shims at both the front and rear of the shaft. Adding an equal number of shims at both front and rear of the support shaft will decrease positive camber. One shim (1/32 inch) at each location will move camber approximately 1/5°.
Toe-in can be increased or decreased by changing the length of the tie rods. A threaded sleeve is provided for this purpose. When tie rods are mounted ahead of the steering knuckle, decrease the length to increase toe-in. When tie rods are mounted behind the steering knuckle, increase the length to increase toe-in.