Fig. 4 Float needle clip location:
Fig. 5 Air horn screw tightening sequence:
1. Align tang on lower end of pump link with slot in throttle lever, then install. End of link should point outward toward throttle lever.
2. Install idle mixture needles and springs. Seat needles, then turn counterclockwise the number of turns noted during disassembly. Final adjustment is on vehicle.
3. Install new throttle body to float bowl insulator gasket over locating dowels on bowl.
4. Position throttle body over dowels on float bowl, then install attaching screws and washers.
5. Install fuel filter spring, new filter and gasket, then the fuel inlet nut.
6. Install new cup seal into insert on side of float bowl for intermediate choke shaft. Lip of seal should face outward.
7. Install secondary throttle valve lockout lever onto boss of float bowl. Recess hole in lever should face inward.
8. On models with hot air chokes, install new cup seal into choke shaft hole. Lip on seal should face inward toward float bowl.
9. On all models, install fast idle cam onto intermediate choke shaft, with steps of cam facing downward. Install fast idle cam and intermediate choke shaft into choke housing.
10. Install choke coil lever onto flats on intermediate choke shaft. Coil lever is properly aligned when both inside and outside levers face fuel inlet. Install inside lever retaining screw and tighten securely.
11. If equipped, install rear vacuum break link into hole in intermediate choke shaft. End of link should face toward choke housing.
12. On models with hot air choke, insert plastic tube seal (to float bowl) in vacuum inlet hole on choke housing.
13. On all models, install lower (inner) choke lever into float bowl cavity. Install choke housing on float bowl housing by sliding intermediate choke shaft through bowl seal and into slot in lower (inner) choke lever.
14. Install choke housing retaining screw and washer, then tighten screw. Check to ensure that linkage moves freely. Do not install choke coil and cover assembly onto choke housing until adjustments are complete.
15. If used, install end of vacuum break link into slot in rear vacuum break plunger. Install vacuum break and bracket assembly onto float bowl, using 2 screws.
16. If removed, install air baffle in secondary side of float bowl, with notches facing upward. Top edge of baffle must be flush with bowl casting.
17. If removed, install baffle inside pump well with slot at bottom.
18. Install pump discharge check ball and retainer screw in passage adjacent to pump well. Tighten screw.
19. On E4MED models, install accelerator bypass valve and gasket using tool BT-8417A or equivalent.
20. On all models, if removed, carefully reinstall primary metering jets into bottom of float bowl using tool BT-7928 or equivalent. Do not overtighten.
21. Install large mixture control solenoid tension spring over boss on bottom of float bowl.
22. Using seat installer BT-3006M or equivalent, install needle seat assembly with new gasket.
23. To make float level adjustment easier, carefully bend float arm upward at notch in arm before assembly.
24. Slide float lever under needle pull clip to install float needle onto float arm. Needle pull clip should be hooked over edge of float on float arm facing float pontoon, Fig. 4.
25. Install float hinge pin into float arm with end of pin loop facing pump well. Install float assembly, aligning needle in seat and float hinge pin into locating channels in float bowl. Do not install float needle pull clip into holes in float arm, since flooding may result.
26. Refer to ``Adjustments'' and adjust float level.
27. Install mixture control solenoid screw tension spring between raised bosses next to float hinge pin.
28. Install mixture control solenoid or combined mixture control/dual capacity pump solenoid (E4MED models) as follows:
a. Install new rubber gasket on top of solenoid connector.
b. Install gaging tool BT-8253-A or equivalent over throttle lever side metering jet guide.
c. Install mixture control solenoid and connector assembly into float chamber, aligning pin on solenoid end with raised boss at bottom of bowl and solenoid connector wires in slot in plastic insert.
d. Assemble solenoid lean mixture screw through rich limit stop, then position solenoid plunger so that it guides freely on stop bracket. While aligning solenoid plunger with body, install lean mixture screw through hole in solenoid bracket, then through tension spring in bowl.
e. Start lean mixture screw in hole, ensuring threads are properly engaged.
f. While holding solenoid plunger against stop, use tool BT-7928 or equivalent to turn lean mixture screw clockwise, until solenoid plunger just contacts gaging tool. Screw is properly adjusted when solenoid plunger contacts both the solenoid stop and gaging tool.
g. Release plunger, then turn screw clockwise, counting number of turns necessary to seat screw. Record number of turns for final assembly. Remove screw, plunger and stop.
29. Install plastic bowl insert, if used, over float valve and solenoid. Insert should be flush with bowl casting surface.
30. If metering rod springs were removed during disassembly, slide springs over rod tips until small end of springs stop against shoulder of rods. Install metering rod and spring assembly through hole in plastic insert, then lower assembly into jets, ensuring large end of springs seat on recess of jet guide end.
31. Reassemble solenoid lean mixture screw, plunger and rich limit stop. Turn screw counterclockwise the number of turns recorded earlier.
32. Align solenoid connector wires with slot in float bowl, then install and tighten solenoid attaching screw.
33. Install TPS return spring into float bowl well.
34. Install TPS and connector assembly into float bowl, aligning groove in connector with slot in bowl casting. Push downward on assembly, until connector and wires are below bowl casting surface.
35. Install pump return spring, then the pump plunger assembly into pump well.
36. Feed mixture control solenoid connector and wires through air horn gasket opening. Position cut-out portion of gasket over, then under solenoid plunger.
37. While holding pump plunger assembly downward against spring tension, align plunger stem with hole in air horn gasket.
38. Align cut-outs in gasket around solenoid attaching screw and connector, then the TPS plunger.
39. Position air horn gasket over dowels on float bowl. Gasket should not interfere with movement of metering rods or solenoid plunger.
40. If removed, install TPS adjustment screw in air horn. Final adjustment is made on vehicle.
41. Apply lithium base grease to air valve shaft pin, where pin contacts air valve spring.
42. Install new pump plunger and TPS plunger seals and retainers. Lip on seals should face outward, away from air horn mounting surface. Stake retainers in three places, different from original stakings.
43. Install TPS actuator plunger in seal.
44. If equipped, install rich mixture stop screw from bottom side of air horn, then turn screw until lightly seated.
45. Install air horn assembly onto float bowl as follows:
a. On E4MED models, ensure mixture control solenoid connector and bracket clear opening in air horn casting.
b. On all models, guide pump plunger stem through seal in air horn casting.
c. Insert a thin screwdriver blade between air horn gasket and float bowl to raise TPS adjustment lever, then lower air horn onto float bowl, ensuring bleed tubes and accelerator well tubes are properly positioned through holes in air horn gasket.
46. Install air horn attaching screws and lockwashers. If equipped, position secondary air baffle under screws 3 and 4. Position mixture control connector lead retaining clip under screws 5 and 13. Tighten screws evenly in sequence shown in Fig. 5.
47. Install air valve link into slot at end of air valve shaft lever, then install other end of link into hole into front vacuum break plunger.
48. Install front vacuum break assembly and bracket onto air horn, then tighten attaching screws.
49. Connect accelerator pump link to pump lever, then install retainer.
50. Install secondary metering rods into holder, with upper end of each rod facing toward each other.
51. Install holder and rod assembly onto air valve cam follower. Install and tighten retaining screw, then check air valve and metering rods for proper operation.
52. Connect choke link to lower choke lever inside float bowl cavity. Connect choke link to slot in upper choke lever. Position lever so that flats on end of shaft align with flats on lever. When properly installed, the lever should face toward rear of carburetor with number on lever facing outward.
53. Install lean mixture adjusting screw plug, hollow end down, into access hole. Using suitable punch, drive plug into air horn until top of plug is flush with lower edge of hole chamfer.
54. If removed, install idle air bleed valve as follows:
a. Lightly coat new O-rings with automatic transmission fluid, then install O-rings onto valve body. Thick ring goes in upper groove and thin ring in lower.
b. Install bleed valve into air horn, ensuring threads are properly engaged.
c. Install gauging tool BT-8353-B or equivalent into throttle side ``D'' shaped vent hole in air horn casting. Upper end of gauging tool should be positioned over open cavity next to bleed valve.
d. Hold gauging tool down so that solenoid plunger is against stop, then adjust bleed valve so that tool just contacts top of valve.
e. Remove gauging tool, then adjust air valve spring and choke coil lever. Refer to ``Adjustments'' for procedures.
55. Position cam follower on high step of fast idle cam, then install choke cover and coil assembly onto choke housing. On hot air choke models, install gasket between cover and housing. On models with electric choke, no gasket is used. Attach choke cover to housing by following directions in choke cover retainer kit.
56. Connect vacuum break hoses to front and rear (if equipped) vacuum break units.
57. Install idle speed solenoid or throttle kicker assembly onto float bowl and retain with screws.