Alignment: Service and Repair
Fig. 1 Caster & camber adjustment:
Before checking and adjusting caster and camber angles, jounce front bumper at least three times, then allow vehicle to return to normal height to prevent false readings..
Caster and camber adjustments are made by shims inserted between upper control arm shaft and frame bracket, Fig. 1. Add, subtract or transfer shims as noted below.
To adjust caster and/or camber, loosen upper control arm shaft-to-frame nuts, then add or subtract shims as necessary and retorque nuts to 66 ft. lbs. After adjustment, the shim pack should have at least two threads of bolt exposed beyond the nut. The difference between front and rear shim packs must not exceed .040 inch.
When adjusting caster, transfer shims from front to rear or rear to front. The transfer of one shim from rear to front bolt will decrease positive caster.
When adjusting camber, change shims equally at both front and rear of shaft. Adding an equal number of shims at front and rear will decrease positive camber.
When performing either caster or camber adjustment, always tighten nut on thinner shim pack first to improve shaft-to-frame clamping force and torque retention.
Fig. 2 Tie rod clamp & sleeve positioning:
To adjust toe-in, loosen clamp bolts at each end of steering tie rod adjusting sleeves. With steering wheel in straight ahead position, turn tie rod adjusting sleeves to obtain proper adjustment. After adjustment, check that number of threads showing on each end of sleeve are equal and that the tie rod end stud lines up with steering knuckle. Position tie rod clamps and sleeves as shown in Fig. 2, then torque nuts to 14 ft. lbs.