Engine: Service and Repair
1985---87 V8-305
1. Disconnect battery ground cable, remove air cleaner and drain cooling system.
2. Disconnect radiator and heater hoses, then remove upper fan shroud and fan assembly.
3. Remove power steering pump bracket bolts and secure pump assembly aside.
4. Disconnect electrical connectors to A/C compressor. Remove mounting bolts and secure compressor aside.
5. Disconnect accelerator, cruise control and throttle valve cables.
6. Disconnect transmission cooling lines, plug lines and open fittings, then remove radiator.
7. Disconnect C3 system harness connectors, noting position for installation.
8. Remove windshield washer reservoir and disconnect AIR system hose from converter pipe.
9. Disconnect engine harness at bulkhead connector, then disconnect necessary electrical connectors and vacuum hoses, noting position for installation.
10. Mark position of hood hinges, disconnect hood lamp if equipped, then remove hood.
11. Remove distributor cap.
12. Disconnect positive cable from battery and frame, and battery negative cable from retaining brackets.
13. Raise and support vehicle, then remove crossover pipe and catalytic converter as an assembly.
14. Remove flywheel dust shield and torque converter to flywheel bolts.
15. Disconnect and plug fuel supply hose, disconnect torque converter clutch wiring from transmission, and remove transmission cooler lines from clip on oil pan.
16. Remove motor mount through bolts and bolts securing bellhousing to engine, then lower vehicle.
17. Attach suitable lifting equipment, support transmission with suitable jack, then remove engine assembly.
18. Reverse procedure to install.