Concealment Plug Removal
Fig. 18 Concealment plug removal:
1. Remove carburetor from engine. Invert carburetor and drain fuel into a suitable container.
2. Mount carburetor in holding fixture with manifold side of throttle body facing up.
3. Using a hacksaw, make two parallel cuts in throttle body on either side of locator point beneath concealment plug, Fig. 18. Saw cuts should reach down to concealment plug, but should not extend more than 1/8 inch beyond locator point.
4. Place a flat punch near ends of saw marks. Holding punch at a 45 degree angle, drive it into throttle body until casting breaks away exposing concealment plug.
5. Hold a center punch at a 90 degree angle, Fig. 18, and drive it into concealment plug.
6. Hold punch at a 45 degree angle and drive out concealment plug.
7. Repeat steps 3-6 for remaining screw.
8. Reinstall carburetor and reconnect vacuum hoses and linkages. Install air cleaner.