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Fig. 2 Exploded view of Rochester E4MC/E4ME Quadrajet carburetor (Part 1 of 2):

Fig. 2 Exploded view of Rochester E4MC/E4ME Quadrajet carburetor (Part 2 of 2):

Fig. 3 Exploded view of Rochester E4MED Quadrajet carburetor (Part 1 of 2):

Exploded View Parts Description - M4MED:

Refer to Figs. 2 and 3 when performing overhaul procedures on these carburetors.

1. Remove attaching screws, then the idle speed solenoid or throttle kicker from float bowl.
2. Remove idle mixture needle concealment plugs as outlined under ``Concealment Plug Removal''.
3. If idle air bleed valve requires replacement, proceed as follows:
a. Cover internal vents and air inlets to bleed valve with masking tape.
b. Using a 7/64 inch drill bit, remove rivet heads from idle air bleed valve cover, then drive out remaining parts of rivets with suitable punch.
c. Lift off cover and remove any pieces of rivets inside tower with compressed air.
d. Remove idle air bleed valve. Discard O-rings from bleed valve.
4. Remove retaining screw, then upper choke lever from end of choke shaft. Rotate lever to remove choke link from slot.
5. Hold lower choke lever outward with small screwdriver and twist choke link counterclockwise to remove from lever.
6. Remove secondary metering rod holder attaching screw. Lift upward on holder until metering rods are completely out of air horn, then disconnect rods from holder by rotating ends out of holes in holder.
7. Remove pump link retainer, then disconnect link from pump lever. Do not attempt to remove lever from air horn, since damage to casting may result.
8. Remove front vacuum break hose noting tube locations for reassembly.
9. Remove 11 air horn to float bowl attaching screws and lockwashers, then the 2 countersunk screws next to venturi. Remove secondary air baffle deflector, if equipped, from beneath the 2 center air horn screws.
10. Lifting upward, remove air horn from float bowl. Leave gasket on float bowl for later removal. On E4MED models, the mixture control solenoid connector and mounting bracket must clear opening in air horn casting to facilitate removal. When removing air horn, use caution to prevent damaging the mixture control solenoid connector, accelerator pump solenoid connector (if equipped), TPS adjustment lever or pull-over enrichment tubes, if used.
11. Remove front vacuum break attaching screws, then the vacuum break assembly from air valve dashpot link. Disconnect dashpot link from air valve lever.
12. Remove TPS plunger by pushing it downward through seal in air horn.
13. With air horn inverted, use a small screwdriver to remove TPS and pump plunger seal retainer stakings, if equipped. Remove and discard seals and retainers.
14. Drive lean mixture screw plug out of air horn from bottom side using suitable punch. Discard plug.
15. If necessary to replace rich mixture screw, or to readjust mixture control solenoid travel, remove rich mixture screw using suitable tool. With screw removed, drive plug out of air horn to gain access to stop screw (when installed). Discard plug.
16. Further disassembly of air horn is not required for cleaning purposes. If idle air bleed valve is in place, air horn should be cleaned in low volatile cleaning solvent to avoid damaging bleed valve O-rings.
17. Lift air horn gasket off dowel pins on float bowl. Discard gasket.
18. Remove pump plunger assembly and return spring from pump well.
19. Remove mixture control solenoid or combined mixture control/dual capacity pump assembly (E4MED models) as follows:
a. Remove solenoid attaching screw. Do not remove solenoid connector at this point.
b. Using tool BT-7928 or equivalent, count number of turns it takes to bottom solenoid adjusting screw, then remove adjusting screw, solenoid plunger and plunger stop (rich limit) as an assembly. Do not remove plunger return spring or connector wires from solenoid(s) bodies. The solenoid assemblies are serviced only as complete assemblies.
c. Remove plastic bowl insert (if used) from top of mixture control assembly.
20. Remove each primary metering rod from jet, ensuring return spring is removed with rod.
21. Remove rubber gasket from top of solenoid connector. Discard gasket. Remove lean mixture screw tension spring from float bowl, adjacent to float hanger pin.
22. Pull upward on retaining pin, then remove float assembly and needle. Remove needle seat and gasket using tool BT-3008M or equivalent.
23. Remove large mixture control solenoid tension spring, located between metering jets, from boss on bottom of float bowl.
24. Remove TPS assembly as follows:
a. Place suitable metal piece across bowl casting to protect gasket surface from prying forces.
b. Using small screwdriver, lightly depress and hold down TPS against spring tension.
c. Prying upward with chisel, remove bowl staking. Ensure prying force is exerted on metal piece and not on bowl casting.
d. Push upward on electrical connector, then remove TPS and connector assembly from float bowl.
e. Remove spring from TPS well in bowl.
25. If necessary, remove primary metering jets using tool BT-7928 or equivalent. The secondary metering jets are fixed. If damaged, replace float bowl.
26. On E4MED models, remove accelerator bypass valve and gasket using tool BT-8417A or equivalent.
27. On all models, remove pump discharge ball retainer. Invert float bowl and remove discharge ball.
28. Remove secondary air baffle, if necessary, then the pump well fill slot baffle.
29. Disconnect hose from rear vacuum break assembly, if used. Remove 2 screws from bracket. Rotate vacuum break to disconnect vacuum break link from slot in plunger, then remove vacuum break and bracket assembly.
30. Support float bowl and throttle body in suitable holding fixture.
31. Using a 5/32 inch drill bit, carefully drill off choke cover rivet heads. Using suitable drift, drive remainder of rivets out of choke housing.
32. Remove retainers, choke cover gasket (if used), and choke cover assembly. On models with hot air choke, do not remove baffle plate from beneath thermostatic coil on choke cover.
33. Remove choke housing retaining screw and washer, then slide choke housing outward and remove from carburetor.
34. On models with hot air choke, remove plastic tube seal from vacuum inlet boss on choke housing.
35. Remove secondary throttle valve lockout lever from float bowl.
36. Invert float bowl, then remove lower choke lever from inside float bowl cavity.
37. To remove intermediate choke shaft from housing, proceed as follows:
a. Remove coil lever retaining screw from inside choke housing.
b. Remove thermostatic coil from flats on intermediate choke shaft, then slide choke shaft outward and remove from choke housing. Remove fast idle cam from shaft. Be sure to remove cup seal from float bowl insert before cleaning bowl. Do not attempt to remove insert.
38. Remove fuel inlet nut, gasket, filter and spring.
39. Remove throttle body to float bowl attaching screws and lockwashers, then separate throttle body from float bowl and remove insulator gasket.
40. Place throttle body in suitable holding fixture.
41. Rotate pump link until until tang on link aligns with slot in throttle lever, then remove pump link from lever.
42. Seat idle mixture needles, counting number of turns necessary, then remove needles from throttle body using suitable tool.
43. Further disassembly of throttle body is not required for cleaning. If defective, throttle body is serviced as complete assembly.