Chevrolet and GMC Truck Divisions
Your dealership sales records require inspection to determine the name and address of purchasers of these replacement tanks.^ If the purchaser is the owner of the vehicle, you should send the owner a copy of the owner letter requesting their trucks be brought in for inspection per Campaign Bulletin 91-C-51.
^ If the purchaser is NOT the owner of the vehicle, (e.g. a body shop, independent repair shop, etc.), you should contact the repair facility and obtain the owner's name and address so that you can send the owner a copy of the owner letter requesting their truck be brought in for inspection per Campaign Bulletin 91-C-51.
Copies of the vehicle owner's name and address for each listed part number, along with your dealership name, address and dealer code should be mailed to the appropriate division or your franchise division:
Chevrolet Motor Division GMC Truck Division
Mail Code 480 205 210 Product Campaigns
30007 Van Dyke 31 E. Judson (MC 1607-02)
Warren, MI 48090-9065 Pontiac, MI 48342-2230
Attention: Campaign Coordinator Attention: Campaign Coordinator
Since this recall involves only replacement parts, and GM records do not contain customer name and address, it is very important that each involved dealer take the necessary time required to responsibly identify customers who have purchase these tanks.
When a customer brings their C/K or R/V vehicle to your dealership for this campaign, you should first inspect each vehicle's fuel tank(s) and fuel tank straps, for evidence of recent replacement and/or excessive corrosion as well as evidence of existing leaks prior to performing any repair or replacement.
It does not appear that the fuel tanks(s) or straps have been recently replaced and there is evidence of excessive corrosion to the fuel tanks (s) and straps, and if the owner does not have proof that a replacement fuel tank was purchased/replaced between December 1, 1993 and September 12, 1994, the owner should be advised that their vehicle may not be involved in this campaign. The owner should also be advised that any repairs made to the fuel tanks, other than repairs to correct fuel tanks with defective sender unit retaining ring projection welds, would be at their own expense.
Once this inspection has been completed, the dealer should then perform a pressure test on the suspect tank to determine if their are any leaks. If the tank does not pass the pressure test, the fuel tank should be removed and the sender unit retaining ring inspected visually for evidence of any "lifting up" or unevenness from the tank surface, "Lifting up" or unevenness of the sender unit retaining ring is an indication of fractured welds. Further verification of fractured welds can be made by trying to pass a "feeler gauge" through the welds.
Dealers are to service all replacement fuel tanks with defective projection welds on the sender unit retainer ring at no charge to the owners, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this day forward.
If you have any of these tanks in inventory, they should be returned to GMSPO which will credit your account for the purchase plus an allowance for handling or provide you with a replacement tank. Use SPO form PC659 and the customary procedures for defective part return as described in the Parts Policy and Procedures Manual.