Engine: Service and Repair
1... Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Drain cooling system, then remove engine cover.
3. Remove headlamp bezel and grille, then the radiator lower close-out panel and radiator support brace.
4. Remove lower tie bar and the cross brace.
5. Remove hood latch mechanism, then the upper core support.
6. Disconnect coolant hoses and transmission cooler lines from radiator, as required, then remove radiator filler panels.
7. Remove radiator and fan shroud as an assembly.
8. Disconnect engine harness from bulkhead connector.
9. Disconnect electrical connector from ECM and pull through bulkhead.
10. Disconnect heater hoses from heater core and plug heater core tubes to prevent contamination.
11. Disconnect accelerator, cruise control and detent cables, as required, then the battery ground cable from cylinder head.
12. Disconnect canister purge hose, then remove air cleaner and air cleaner adapter.
13. Raise and support vehicle.
14. Disconnect exhaust pipe from exhaust manifold.
15. Disconnect wiring harness from transmission and frame and the starter wires from starter motor.
16. Remove starter motor, then the flywheel shield.
17. Disconnect fuel lines from fuel pump.
18. Remove engine mount through bolts.
19. Lower vehicle, then remove oil filler neck and thermostat outlet.
20. Install engine lifting device and support transmission with a suitable jack, then remove engine from vehicle.
21. Reverse procedure to install.