Reverse Gear, Lever & Fork
Fig. 7 Reverse Gearing & Countergear:
Fig. 8 Reverse Shift Fork & Lever Removal:
1. Install new O-ring on reverse gearshift lever shaft. Lubricate lever shaft into case bore, then the reverse fork in lever.
2. Install reverse detent spring retainer and gasket and torque to 50 ft. lbs. Insert ball and spring, then install and torque gasket and plug to 24 ft. lbs.
3. Place reverse idler gear shaft in position in end of case and drive into case to position reverse idler gear on the protruding end of shaft with shift slot facing toward rear and engage slot with reverse shift fork.
4. With reverse idler gear properly positioned, drive reverse idler gearshaft into case and install woodruff key. Ensure shaft is flush with surface of case.
5. Install and torque back-up light switch and gasket to 15 ft. lbs. if removed.