The purpose of this bulletin is to announce an Exchange/Repair Program for instrument clusters used on the above listed models. This program provides repaired instrument clusters in exchange for inoperative ones at a cost that is often substantially below new replacement parts.IMPORTANT: The 1989 M-Van cluster has nonreplaceable gages and must be serviced using the above procedure.
The gages in the 1989 C/K and S/T clusters are individually serviceable, and available through GMSPO. The dealer should use good business judgement when determining which course of repair to follow on these models. Instrument clusters are serviced by the exchange units listed in this bulletin. See pages with illustrations for part numbers and applications. Exchange units are obtained by telephoning one of the twenty eight authorized AC-Delco Service Centers listed on the last three (3) pages of this bulletin. They are shipped with memo billings, via next day UPS, within 24 hours of the request. The memo billings are cancelled when the inoperative instrument clusters are received by the service center from which units were obtained. Please adhere to the following procedure when a vehicle requires exchange service for an inoperative instrument cluster:
1. Follow the diagnostics procedure in the Service Manual precisely and completely. Many conditions perceived by the observer to be in the instrument cluster are actually conditions with remote sensors and connectors. Proper diagnostics will identify the source of the problem and avoid unnecessary removal and shipping of functional assemblies to service centers.
2. When diagnostics are complete and the condition is determined to require an exchange cluster, determine which exchange is required by matching the unit to the cluster illustrations on the attached pages. If the odometer is part of the exchange unit, tell the service center the mileage to which the cluster should be set.
3. Upon receiving the exchange unit from the service center, take it into the vehicle still packed in the reusable shipping container. The container protects it from damage due to static electricity. Use care in handling the exchange unit and the inoperative cluster. Hands must be free of dirt and grease. Avoid touching electronic components, as electro-static discharge can degrade performance or cause failure.
4. Remove the inoperative instrument cluster and replace it with the exchange unit.
5. Include a description of the instrument duster problem in the "Nature of Problem" area of the ACD-1078 form. Pack the inoperative instrument duster in the reusable shipping container, together with five (5) copies of the completed ACD-1078 warranty form.
6. Enclosed in the reusable container is an addressed shipping label. Attach this label to the outside of the box and ship immediately to the service center from which you obtained the exchange unit. The dealer copy of the ACD-1078 warranty form will be returned and the memo billing cancelled upon receipt of the inoperative instrument duster at the service center.
7. Failure to return the inoperative instrument cluster in the special reusable container, can result in a container replacement fee. Failure to return the ACD-1078 warranty form of the inoperative instrument cluster to the service center within 30 days of the date the exchange unit was shipped, can result in a repair fee or an instrument cluster replacement fee.
The success of the instruments cluster Exchange/Repair Program is dependent upon prompt return of the inoperative instrument cluster to the service center. Your cooperation is essential to maintaining sufficient quantities of exchange stock.