Brakes - Slush Build-Up Can Cause Slight Brake Drag
90chevy01GMC NUMBER: 89-5-124
GROUP: 5 - Brakes
DATE: January, 1990
NUMBER: 965015
MODELS: 1988-89 C/K Trucks
Some 1988 and 1989 C/K trucks may experience a condition of slush build-up on the parking brake cable. The build-up is the result of the front tire splashing unusual amounts of ice and slush onto the parking brake cable. If the build-up is severe enough, the added weight on the parking brake cable can cause slight brake drag. To address this condition, a procedure has been developed that consists of an added cable support bracket under the vehicle between the # 1 body mount and the cable connector or the # 2 body mount.
Service Procedure:
Park Brake Cable Support Bracket Installation (see Figures 1 and 2).
1. Block front wheels.
2. Release parking brake.
3. Locate parking brake cable bracket (4) midway between the # 1 and # 2 body mounts for extended cab vehicles as shown in Figure 1. Locate the bracket between the # 1 body mount and the cable connector (6) for regular cab models as shown in Figure 2. Do not locate the bracket closer then three (3) inches from the cable connector.
4. Mark and drill a 7/16 inch diameter hole using bracket (4) as a template.
CAUTION: Check inside of frame to ensure that fuel filter, fuel line, electrical harness, and brake lines are clear of drilling area.
5. Mark and drill a 17/32 diameter hole for the anti-rotation tab 29/32 inches to the rear of the 7/16 diameter hole.
6. Loosen equalizer nut (1) to relieve cable tension and remove connector (6) from parking brake cable.
7. Install bracket (4) with screw (2) and nut (5). Torque nut to 135-180 (15-20 N-m).
8. Install grommet (3) over cable and thread cable through hole in bracket. Snap grommet into bracket. Lubricate with GM P/N 1051344 lubricant or equivalent.
9. Reinstall connector (6) and finger tighten equalizer nut (1) to take slack out of cable.
10. Adjust parking brake as described below.
Parking Brake Adjustment
The parking brakes must be adjusted whenever the parking brake cables have been replaced or disconnected. Before adjusting the parking brakes, check the condition of the service brakes. The service brakes must be adjusted properly before proceeding with the parking brake adjustment. Inspect the parking brake system for free operation. The brake lever must return to the released position without sticking or binding. If a problem exists, check the cable routings for kinking or binding. Clean and lubricate the parking assembly and cables with brake fluid.
1. Block the front wheels.
2. Raise and support the rear axle with suitable safety stands.
3. Loosen the equalizer nut (1).
4. Set the parking brake cable to four clicks.
5. Adjust the equalizer nut (1) until the wheels will not rotate forward without a moderate drag.
6. Release the parking brake and rotate the rear wheels. There should be no drag.
7. Remove the safety stands and lower the vehicle.
8. Unblock the front wheels.
Part Information
Part Number Description Quantily
15639028 Bracket, Park Brake
Cable Support 1
15530620 Grommet, Bracket 1
11504595 Screw, Bracket 1
11509415 Nut, Bracket 1
1051344 Lubricant as required
Parts are expected to be available on December 11, 1989. Until then normal part orders will not be accepted by GMSPO. Only verifiable VIP orders will be accepted. SPO will make every attempt to obtain parts. All parts will be placed on 400 control to waive VIP surcharges. However, the part will be shipped premium transportation at dealer's expense. All other order types will be canceled as incorrectly ordered while the 400 control is in place.
For vehicles repaired under warranty use:
Labor Operation: T8060
Labor Time: 0.9 Hrs.