Leak Testing
Tools Required:J 9625-A Pressure Test Set
J 5420 Straight Fitting
J 25008-A Holding Fixture
J 23500-01 Portable Charging Station
1. Install J 9625-A on the rear head of the compressor.
2. Attach the center hose of the manifold gage set on the charging station to a refrigerant drum standing in an upright position and open the valve on the drum.
3. Connect the charging station high and low pressure lines to corresponding fittings on J 9625-A, using J 5420 if hoses are not equipped with valve depressors.
^ Suction port (low-side) of the compressor has a large internal opening. The discharge port (hi-side) has a smaller internal opening in to the compressor.
4. Open the low-pressure control, high-pressure control and refrigerant control on the charging station to allow refrigerant vapor to flow into the compressor.
5. Using a leak detector, check for leaks at the pressure relief valve, compressor shell to cylinder, compressor front head seal, and compressor shaft seal. After checking, shut off the low pressure control and high pressure control on the charging station.
6. If an external leak is present, perform the necessary corrective measures and recheck for leaks to make certain the leak has been corrected.
7. Loosen the manifold gage hose connections to the low and high sides and allow the vapor pressure to release from the compressor.
8. Disconnect J 5420 from J 9625-A.
9. Rotate the complete compressor assembly (not the crankshaft or drive plate hub) slowly several turns to distribute oil to all cylinder and piston areas.
10. Install a shaft nut on the compressor crankshaft if the drive plate and clutch assembly are not installed.
11. Using a box-end wrench or socket and handle, rotate the compressor crankshaft or clutch drive plate on the crankshaft several turns to ensure piston assembly to cylinder wall lubrication.
12. Connect the charging station high pressure line or a high pressure gage and J 5420 to J 9625-A high side connector.
13. Attach J 5420 to the suction or low pressure port of J 9625-A to open the Schrader-type valve.
^ Oil will drain out of the compressor suction port adapter if the compressor is positioned with the suction port downward.
14. Attach the compressor to J 25008-A using metric mounting screws. Clamp the compressor holding fixture in a vise so that the compressor can be manually turned with a wrench.
15. Using a wrench, rotate the compressor crankshaft or drive plate hub 10 complete revolutions at a speed of approximately one-revolution per second. Turning the compressor at less than one-revolution per second can result in a lower pump-up pressure and disqualify a good pumping compressor.
16. Observe the reading on HIGH pressure gage at the completion of the tenth revolution of the compressor. The pressure reading for a good pumping compressor should be 344.75 kPa (50 psi) or above. A pressure reading of less than 310.275 kPa (45 psi) would indicate one or more suction and/or discharge valves, leaking, an internal leak or an inoperative valve, and the compressor should be disassembled and checked for cause of leak. Repair as needed, reassembly and repeat the pump-up test. Externally leak test.
17. When the pressure pump-up test is completed, release the air pressure from the HIGH side and remove J 5420 and J 9625-A.
18. On the R4 compressor, tilt the compressor so that the compressor suction and discharge ports are down. Drain the oil from the compressor.
19. Allow the compressor to drain for 10 minutes, then charge with the proper amount of oil. The oil may be poured into the suction port.
^ If further assembly or processing is required, a shipping plate or J 9625-A should be installed to keep out air, dirt and moisture until the compressor is installed.