Brakes - Broken Rear Wheel Anti-Lock ECU Locking TAB
89chevy05GMC NUMBER: 89-T-29
GROUP: 5 - Brakes
DATE: March, 1989
NUMBER: 965003R
MODELS: 1988-89C/K, 1989 S/T AND M VANS
Some vehicles may experience a condition where the rear wheel anti-lock (RWAL) ECU module locking tabs may break when the tab is bent back to remove the ECU module. In the past, this condition would then require the replacement of the ECU module. To eliminate this costly component replacement, an ECU module locking tab service dip has been developed. Installation of this clip is shown in Figure 1.
Parts Information
Part Number Description
15618258 Clip
Parts are expected to be available on March 13, 1989. Until then normal part orders will not be accepted by GMSPO. Only verifiable emergency VIP orders will be accepted. SPO will make every effort to obtain parts. All parts will be placed on 400 control to waive VIP surcharges. However, the part will be shipped premium transportation at dealer's expense. All other order types will be canceled as incorrectly ordered while the 400 control is in place.