Delco-Moraine Single Piston Caliper
1. Remove caliper assembly as outlined above.
2. Remove inboard pad with retainer spring. Dislodge outboard pad and position caliper on the front suspension so the brake hose will not support the weight of the caliper.
3. Remove two sleeves from inboard ears of the caliper.
4. Remove four rubber bushings from the grooves in each of the caliper ears.
Fig. 3 Fitting Pad To Caliper:
1. Lubricate new sleeves, rubber bushings, bushing grooves and mounting bolt ends with Delco Silicone Lube or equivalent.
2. Install new bushings and sleeves in caliper ears. Position the sleeve so that the end toward the pad is flush with the machined surface of the ear.
3. Install retainer spring on back of inboard pad.
4. Position inboard pad with ears up and retainer spring facing the piston then press pad into piston bore until seated.
a. Some inboard pads contain a wear sensor, the sensor should be toward the rear of the caliper when installed properly.
5. Position outboard pad to caliper interior with pad ears over caliper ears and tab at bottom of pad seated in caliper cutout.
6. With pads installed, install caliper as described under caliper installation.
7. Seat the outboard pad to the caliper by grasping the ears with channel locks and pressing together firmly, Fig. 3.