A/T - New Pump Removal Tool
GMC NUMBER: 92-7A-55
GROUP: 7A Automatic Transmission
DATE: February 1992
NUMBER: 277107
1991-92 S/T, M/L, C/K, R/V, AND G
In response to product changes made to the 1991 HYDRA-MATIC 4L60 stator shaft, a new essential tool has been released to remove the pump assembly. The groove under the stator shaft splines has been removed, so the previous tool cannot fit onto the new shaft. The new tool is an adapter for use with the current HYDRA-MATIC 4L80-E pump puller.
Tools necessary to remove the HYDRA-MATIC 4L60 pump assembly include:
HYDRA-MATIC 4L80-E Pump Puller
HYDRA-MATIC 4L60 Adapter
HYDRA-MATIC 4L60 Forcing Screw
GMC Truck and Chevrolet dealers already have the HYDRA-MATIC 4L80-E pump puller as an essential tool. These dealers will receive only the HYDRA-MATIC 4L60 adapter and forcing screw. All other dealers will receive the complete package.
The HYDRA-MATIC 4L60 forcing screw is longer than the screw on the HYDRA-MATIC 4L80-E pump puller to accommodate the shorter splines on the stator shaft.
However, the previous pump puller is still needed for end play measurement and is used on several other transmissions for pump removal.
Tools have been shipped to dealers.
Dealers currently servicing the HYDRA-MATIC 4L80-E will receive:
J39119 - Oil Pump Remover and Installer
Adapter (HYDRA-MATIC 4L60 Adapter)
J37789-4A - HYDRA-MATIC 4L60 Forcing
Dealers NOT currently servicing the HDYRA-MATIC 4L80-E will receive:
J39119 - Oil Pump Remover and Installer
Adapter (HYDRA-MATIC 4L60 Adapter)
J37789-A - HYDRA-MATIC 4L80-E Pump Puller
with HYDRA-MATIC 4L60 Forcing Screw
For dealers currently servicing the HYDRA-MATIC 4L80-E:
When the new pump puller tools arrive at your dealership, unscrew the forcing screw from your HYDRA-MATIC 4L80-E pump puller and install the new forcing screw.
For dealers NOT currently servicing the HYDRA-MATIC 4L80-E:
The pump puller you will receive already has the longer forcing screw installed.
The following procedure should be used after the transmission has been removed from the vehicle and is secured to the workbench in a holding fixture. The fluid filter assembly and TCC solenoid must be removed before removing the pump.
1. Rotate the transmission so the bell is facing up.
2. Remove the torque converter.
3. Remove the O-ring seal on the turbine shaft.
4. Remove the pump bolts.
5. Install the HYDRA-MATIC 4L60 adapter by slipping it over the stator shaft.
6. Install the HYDRA-MATIC 4L80-E pump puller over the adapter.
7. Tighten the small screw to secure the pump puller to the adapter.
8. Turn the forcing screw to lift the pump out of the case.