Excessive Fuel Consumption
SYMPTOM DESCRIPTION:From an actual road test the measured MPG is noticeably lower than expected. At one time the fuel economy for this vehicle was at a greater average than current measurement.
Improper fuel ^ Drain fuel tank, flush system,
and fill with proper fuel.
^ Change fuel filter.
Incorrect injection pump to ^ Check and/or Adjust
engine timing injection pump timing.
Damaged or restricted injector ^ Clean or replace injector
nozzle nozzles.
Clogged or restricted air ^ Replace air filter.
Fuel injection sequence ^ Check fuel injection lines
does not correspond with for proper routing.
firing order
Intercooler internally ^ Check pressure drop across
blocked or restricted inlet and outlet of intercooler.
If pressure drop exceeds 4 in. Hg,
clean or replace intercooler as
Low idle speed setting ^ Adjust low idle speed.
out of adjustment
injection pump ^ replace injection
^ If injection pump is malfunctioning
or will not adjust properly, replace as
a unit.