Brake Light Switch: Adjustments
Fig. 1 Stop Lamp Switch Replacement:
1. Disable SIR as directed under Service Precautions ``Airbag System Disarming,'' then disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Disconnect electrical connector from switch by reaching up under right side of instrument panel at brake pedal support.
3. Pull switch from mounting bracket, Fig. 1, then remove from bracket.
4. To install new switch, depress brake pedal and push switch into clip until shoulder on switch bottoms out against clip. Audible clicks can be heard while pushing switch through clip.
5. Adjust stop lamp switch by pulling the brake pedal up against the pedal stop until the audible clicks can no longer be heard. Electrical contact should be made when the brake pedal is depressed .53 inch from the fully released position. If further adjustment is necessary, the switch may be pulled or rotated in the clip.
6. Enable airbag as directed under Service Precautions ``Airbag System Arming.''