New Venture Gear 1500 5-Speed
Heat speed sensor rotor for 7-10 minutes at 250°F prior to installation during assembly procedure.1. Install pocket bearing into input shaft
2. Position mainshaft on assembly pall tool No. J41663 or equivalent.
3. Position countershaft on assembly pallet tool No. J41663 or equivalent.
4. Install reverse idler assembly.
5. Install output shaft bearing assembly.
6. Install new snap ring.
7. Install 1st-2nd shift fork and reverse shift fork on mainshaft assembly.
8. Install (heated) speed sensor rotor.
9. Install retainer alignment cables, tool No. J36515-10 or equivalent, through bolt and holes in rear housing. Screw into output shaft bearing retainer.
10. Install rear housing assembly. Ensure reverse idler shaft is lined up with holes in case.
11. Bring rear housing straight down. Do not force housing down.
12. Install rear bearing retainer bolts.
13. Apply pipe sealant with Teflon part No. 1052080 or equivalent, to bolt holes of rear housing.
14. Apply threadlocker, GM part No. 12345382 or equivalent, to bolt threads.
15. Remove tool No. J36515-10.
16. Torque bolts to 16 ft. lbs.
17. Lay unit down on workbench and remove retainer alignment cable tool Nos. J365151 J36515-15 and J36515-16.
18. Install idler shaft support, collar and bolts. Torque front bolts to 33 ft. lbs. and rear bolts to 16 ft. lbs.
19. Position holding clamp tool Nos. J8763-21 J8763-02 and J36824 or equivalents onto transmission case.
20. Install 3rd-4th shift fork onto 3rd-4th synchronizer sleeve.
21. Install shift shaft into 3rd-4th shift fork with detent relief in shaft pointing out.
22. Install shift lever and blockout bushing onto shift shaft.
23. Install shift shaft through 1st-2nd shift fork and 5th-reverse shift fork.
24. Install shift socket onto shift shaft. Slide shift shaft all the way into the case.
25. Install new roll pin into shift lever. Insert pin until flush with shift lever.
26. lnstall detent spring and ball plunger into hole in shift lever.
27. Install shift socket to shift shaft roll pin. Excessive force will "peen" the shift shaft and damage rear housing shift shaft bearing.
28. Install shift tower and bolts. Torque to 75 inch lbs.
29. Countershaft bearing to countershaft race.
30. Install front housing. Bring housing straight down but do not force into place.
31. Install two dowels.
32 Install front housing bolts but do not tighten.
33. Install new snap ring.
34. Install input shaft bearing retainer assembly and five bolts. Ensure oil drain back hole is lined up with hole in housing and torque bolts to 21 ft lbs.
35, Install shift shaft detent plunger, detent spring and plug using suitable brass drift.
36. Install new 0-ring onto electronic speed sensor assembly.
37. Install electronic speed sensor assembly and torque to 16 ft. lbs.
38. Install back-up lamp switch assembly and torque to 38 ft. lbs.
39. Remove tool Nos. J8763-02 and J36824.
40. Torque bottom case bolts to 24 ft. lbs.
41. Install back-up switch.
42. Install blockout bushing anchor bolt and torque to 8 ft. lbs.
43. Fill transmission with 2.9 qts. of Synchromesh Transmission Fluid, part No. 9985648 or equivalent, and 4 ounces of friction modifier GM part No. 12380672 or equivalent.
44. Install oil filler plug and torque to 17 ft. lbs.