Manual Bleeding
Before bleeding the brakes, the front and rear displacement cylinder pistons must be returned to the top most position. Using a TECH 1 or equivalent scan tool, enter manual control function and ``Apply'' the front and rear motors. Ensure enable relay is on.
Use only Dot 3 brake fluid from a clean and sealed container. Do not use Dot 5 brake fluid.
1. Ensure brake fluid reservoir is properly filled.
2. Attach bleeder hose to modulator assembly rearward bleed valve, submerge other end of hose into clean container partially filled with brake fluid.
3. Pump brake pedal several times, then slowly open bleeder valve 1/2 to 3/4 turns.
4. Depress brake pedal and hold until fluid begins to flow.
5. Close valve and repeat steps 3 and 4 on forward valve. Once fluid is seen to flow from both the forward and rearward valves, modulator valve and master cylinder are filled sufficiently filled with fluid. However, modulator and master cylinder assemblies may not be purged of air. At this point, bleed the wheel brakes.
6. Raise and support vehicle.
7. Attach bleeder hose to bleeder valve of right rear wheel, submerge other end of hose into clean container partially filled with brake fluid.
8. Open bleeder valve and slowly depress brake pedal, close valve and slowly release brake pedal, wait five seconds.
9. Repeat step 8, until brake pedal feels firm and no air bubbles are observed in bleeder hose.
10. Repeat steps 7, 8 and 9, first for left rear wheel, then the right front caliper, then the left front caliper.
11. Lower vehicle and attach bleeder hose to rearward bleeder valve.
12. Depress brake pedal using moderate pressure, then slowly open bleeder valve 1/2 to 3/4 turns and allow fluid to flow.
13. Close valve and release brake pedal, wait five seconds.
14. Repeat steps 12 and 13, until all air is purged from system.
15. Repeat steps 11, 12, 13 and 14, on forward bleeder valve.
16. Road test vehicle, to verify brake performance.