Mode F3 - Snapshot
The Snapshot mode provides you with a tool to help isolate an intermittent condition. In this mode, you can specify a trigger condition and BPMV diagnostic data is automatically stored before and after the trigger occurrence. You can then display any or all of the stored data.The operation of the Snapshot mode is divided into three phases; set-up, data capture, and data display.
Set-Up Phase
1. Press F3 to enter the Snapshot mode.
2. Select trigger options are displayed in a self-scrolling menu. Press the function key next to the desired trigger condition.
- F0: Any Code
- F1: Single Code
- F2: Manual Trigger
- F3: Soft Fault
- F4: ABS Stop
- F5: Replay Data
3. When triggering on a single DTC, the Tech 1 will ask you to enter the desired DTC. Enter the two digit DTC followed by the ENTER key.
Data Capture Phase
1. After you specify the trigger condition, the Tech 1 starts collecting data. During this time, you can examine all of the data the same way you do in the Data List mode. The Tech 1 will display a "W" in the lower right-hand corner while it waits for the trigger condition to occur.
2. While the Tech 1 waits for the trigger, the stored data is organized as a number of "samples." The number and state of each parameter and all DTCs are saved for each sample. If more than half of the maximum number of samples occur before the trigger, the oldest data is discarded.
3. The snapshot data is triggered when the specified trigger condition occurs.
- F0: Any Code - The trigger occurs when the Tech 1 determines a DTC is set. If a DTC is present at the start of the test, the trigger occurs immediately.
- F1: Single Code - The trigger occurs when the Tech 1 determines the specified DTC is set.
- F2: Manual Trigger - The Tech 1 waits until you press the ENTER, EXIT, or F9 key to take the snapshot.
- F3: Soft Fault - The trigger occurs when the BPMV recognizes an intermittent fault. A soft fault is an occurrence like a poor electrical connection that breaks and makes contact again while driving over a rough road.
- F4: ABS Stop The trigger occurs when the brake, while driving, is applied hard enough to cause the 4WAL system to activate.
- While the Tech 1 is wailing for any trigger, the ENTER, EXIT, or F9 key can always be used to force a trigger.
4. After the trigger occurs, the Tech 1 continues to save data samples until it's memory is full. The Tech 1 display shows the trigger occurred by replacing the "W" in the lower right hand corner with a "T." The "T" will change to a "0" when the memory is full. The data capture terminates automatically and the Tech 1 goes on to the Data Display phase.
5. Pressing EXIT terminates the Data Capture phase and will display captured data.
Data Display Phase
1. The Data Display phase is indicated with a number (initially zero) in the lower right hand corner of the display. The number indicates which sample is being displayed. Use the arrow keys to sequence through the data.
- Sample "-1" is the sample immediately preceding the trigger. Sample "+1" is the sample immediately after the trigger; and so on.
- Press F4 to go to the earliest sample in memory or F6 to go to the latest sample.
- Press F5 to return to the "0" sample.
2. Use the YES and NO keys to display the data parameters of the selected samples. If you want to see the DTCs for that sample, press the F2 key and the DTCs will be displayed.