Coil Spring Replace
Fig. 10 Coil Spring Removal:
1. Raise and support vehicle so control arms hang free.
2. Remove two shock absorber nuts and push shock up through control arm and into spring.
3. Secure spring remover J-23028 to a suitable jack and position tool to cradle inner bushings, Fig. 10.
4. Remove stabilizer-to-lower control arm attachment.
5. Raise jack to relieve tension from lower control arm pivot bolts, then install a chain around spring and through control arm.
6. Remove attaching nuts and bolts, then slowly lower jack and control arm and remove spring. Do not apply force to lower control arm and ball joint to remove spring. Proper maneuvering of spring will allow for easy removal.
Fig. 4 Lower Control Arm Replacement:
Fig. 11 Coil Spring Installation:
7. Reverse procedure to install. Refer to Figs. 4 and 11 for proper assembly of coil spring and pivot ball.