Component Replacement
If there are no external signs of oil leakage from the A/C system, maintain the proper system oil charge by adding new refrigeration oil during component replacement as follows:1. Discharge system as outlined, then measure amount of oil collected in discharge container.
CAUTION: If more than 1/2 ounce of oil is collected when discharging system, an equal amount of new refrigeration oil must be added to the system.
2. Remove defective components. Drain and measure oil remaining in compressor or accumulator, if removed.
3. Add the proper amount of oil to each replacement component as follows:
a. If accumulator is being replaced, add the same amount of oil that was drained from the defective accumulator plus 2 additional ounces.
b. If compressor is replaced, add the same amount of oil that was drained from defective compressor plus 3.5 additional ounces in the HR-6 model and 1 additional ounce is all other models.
c. If condenser is replaced, add 1 ounce of oil to replacement condenser.
d. If evaporator is replaced, add 1 ounce of oil to the V-5 model evaporator and 3 ounces of oil to all other model replacement evaporators.
e. If receiver/drier is replaced, add 1 ounce of oil to replacement receiver/drier.