Dashboard / Instrument Panel: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.2. On models equipped with mechanical speedometer, reach up under instrument panel and disconnect speedometer cable by pulling cable while pressing tang on rear of speedometer head.
3. On models equipped with analog clock, remove clock set stem and knob.
4. Remove screws attaching instrument cluster bezel to instrument panel, then the bezel.
Fig. 25 Instrument Cluster Assembly Replacement.:
5. Remove two lower cluster screws, Fig. 25.
6. Pulling top of cluster away from instrument panel, lift out bottom of cluster.
7. Disconnect instrument panel harness connector from printed circuit and remove cluster.
8. Disconnect headlamp and wiper/washer switches.
Fig. 26 Lower Extension Assembly Cover Replacement.:
9. Remove lower extension assembly, engine cover, air cleaner cover and element, Fig. 26.
Fig. 27 Radio Replacement.:
10. Remove radio control knobs and radio nuts, Fig. 27.
11. Remove radio rear mounting bracket, then push radio forward in vehicle. Lower assembly.
12. Disconnect antenna and electrical connectors, then remove radio.
13. Remove steering column brace bolts, then lower column.
14. Remove heater and A/C control screws, then disconnect A/C, temperature and defroster cables. Mark cables for assembly reference.
Fig. 28 Instrument Panel Replacement.:
15. Remove instrument panel attaching bolts and nuts, then disconnect any remaining electrical connectors and remove panel, Fig. 28.
16. Reverse procedure to install.