Refrigerant R-12
Like the coolant in an engine cooling system, the refrigerant is the substance in the air conditioning system that absorbs, carries, and then releases heat. Although various substances are used as refrigerants in other types of refrigeration systems, most automotive air conditioning systems use the Refrigerant-12. This compound is not explosive, not flammable, not corrosive except when in contact with water, and not poisonous except when in contact with an open flame or hot metal. It is soluble in oil.Refrigerant-12 carries a charge of a special lubricating oil, normally 525 viscosity refrigerant oil. Since the refrigerant has an affinity for oil, the two compounds mix easily and completely. Even the refrigerant vapor carries small particles of oil. As the liquid or vapor moves through the system, it keeps the moving parts of the compressor lubricated.