Start and Charge
Battery RH front of engine
Clutch Start Switch Behind LH side of I/P
Fuse Block Behind LH side of I/P
Generator (2.2L) RH side of engine
Generator (4.3L) LH side of engine
Ignition Switch RH side of steering column
Starter Motor Lower RH side of engine
C100 LH side of engine cowl
P100 LH side of engine cowl, near fuse block
G100 (2.2L) Lower RH side of engine block
G100 (4.3L) Lower RH front of engine block
G101 Above RH headlamp, on radiator support
S105A (2.2L) Behind Generator
S105A (4.3L) Rear of engine
S112 (2.2L) Rear of engine, above transmission
S112 (4.3L) Rear of RH cylinder head
S200 Behind LH side of I/P, above fuse block
S203 Behind LH side of I/P, above fuse block
S239 LH side of cowl at clutch pedal