Unsuccessful Transfer
Unsucsessful Charging:
On rare occasions, the total charge does not transfer to the vehicle's A/C system. There are two reasons why this can occur.
1. If the transfer is too slow because the pressure in the unit's tank and the vehicle A/C system are about the same, the unit will emit an audible signal and the display shows the weight remaining for transfer.
In this case:
A. Close the high side valve.
B. Open the low side valve.
C. Start the vehicle A/C system, and press "HOLD/CONT" on the keyboard.
This will put the remainder of the charge into the A/C system, and continue with Step 1 under "Successful Transfer Complete" in this section.
2. If the transfer will not complete and the display shows "CHECK REFRIGERANT," there is not enough refrigerant in the tank to complete the process. This condition requires the recovery of the partial charge of refrigerant in the vehicle's A/C system and another complete evacuation and charge procedure.
A. Press "HOLD/CONT" on the keypad to interrupt the cycle.
B. Press "RESET" to reset the unit.
C. Recover the refrigerant that has been charged into the system.
3. Add refrigerant to the tank following the manufacturer's instructions, and refer to Step 1 under Evacuation.