Fuel Gauge - Sticks/Inaccurate or Remains Near Full: Overview
FILE IN SECTION: 8 - Chassis/Body ElectricalBULLETIN NO.: 56-83-02
DATE: July, 1995
Fuel Gauge Sticks, Inaccurate or Remains Near Full Until Ignition is Cycled (Send to Delco Repair Center)
1995 Chevrolet and GMC Truck C/K Models
Fuel Gauge and Volt Meter may exhibit a false reading; usually higher than actual. The fuel gauge may return to a correct reading if the ignition switch is cycled off and back on.
The Instrument Cluster applique may separate from the cluster housing and physically contact the round pointer pivot located in the center of the gauge. This contact prevents the gauge from moving freely (Figure 1).
If the symptoms described above are encountered, the applique may be checked by visual inspection. Remove the cluster, hold it horizontally at eye level with the top of the cluster toward you (Figure 2). From this position, observe the gap between the gauge needle pivot button and the gauge face (Figure 3). If they are touching or in very close proximity, the applique has separated and the cluster must be sent to the appropriate Delco Repair Center (See List).
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:
Operation Description Labor Time
N4180 I/P cluster R&R Use Published Labor Operation Time