Removal1. Shift the transmission into 3rd or 4th gear. Remove shift lever.
2. Remove bolts securing the shift lever housing assembly to the transmission housing. Raise the vehicle and support it with suitable safety stands.
Note: The shift lever housing on NV Gear 3500 transmissions is serviced only as an assembly. Do not attempt to disassemble the shift lever housing.
3. Remove parking brake cable for clearance.
4. Remove propeller shaft.
5. Remove skid plate, if used.
6. Transfer case, if equipped.
7. Disconnect wiring harnesses, as needed.
8. Disconnect fuel lines at manifold.
9. Purge fuel system.
10. Remove exhaust pipes.
11. Disconnect actuator cylinder from the transmission.
12. Remove clutch housing cover from the transmission.
13. Remove transmission mounting bolts, support the transmission with a jack.
14. Disconnect catalytic converter hanger.
15. Remove support braces, as needed.
16. Remove crossmember, if necessary.
17. Remove transmission to the engine bolts. Support the clutch release bearing.
Important: Do not let the transmission hang from the clutch. Pull the transmission straight back on the clutch hub splines. Rotate transmission counter-clockwise and then pull back on clutch hub splines.
18. Remove transmission.
Important: Do not force the transmission into the clutch.
1. Install transmission. Put a thin coat of high-temperature grease on the main drive gear splines. Shift the transmission into high gear before installing. Leave the jack under the transmission to support it. Rotate transmission clockwise onto clutch hub splines.
2. Install transmission to the engine bolts.
Transmission to the engine bolts to 47 N.m (35 lbs. ft.)
3. Install crossmember, if necessary. Remove the jack.
4. Install support braces, as needed.
Support brace to engine bolts to 36 N.m (27 lbs. ft.).
Support brace nuts to 55 N.m (41 lbs. ft.).
Support brace bolts to 50 N.m (37 lbs. ft.).
Upper support brace to engine bolt to 90 N.m (66 lbs. ft.).
5. Install catalytic converter hanger.
6. Install transmission mounting bolts, as necessary.
Transmission mounting bolts to 50 N.m (37 lbs. ft.).
7. Install clutch housing cover.
8. Connect actuator cylinder to the transmission.
9. Connect exhaust pipes.
10. Connect fuel lines to manifold.
11. Connect wiring harnesses, as needed.
12. Install transfer case and the shift lever, if used.
13. Install skid plate, if equipped.
14. Install propeller shaft.
15. Connect parking brake cable. Lower the vehicle.
16. Install shift lever housing assembly to the transmission case. Place the transmission in 3rd or 4th gear.
17. Install shift lever.