A/C - Water Leaks from Rear A/C into Rear Compartment
File In Section: 1 HVACBulletin No.: 66-12-08
Date: November, 1996
Water Leaks from Rear A/C into Rear Compartment and C-Pillar Duct
(Install Deflector Kit)
1995-97 Chevrolet and GMC Tahoe/Yukon (4 Door only) with Dealer Installed Rear Auxiliary Air Conditioning supplied by GMSPO
An owner may report that the dealer installed rear auxiliary air conditioning leaks water (condensation) into the rear compartment and C-Pillar duct area. This condition is more likely to occur during A/C usage, especially on hot days with high humidity.
The rear auxiliary air conditioning module case allows condensation to leak into the blower motor area and does not properly deflect water to the drain. In addition, water droplets can become airborne from the evaporator core during high blower operation and leak behind the C-Pillar duct.
Install P/N 12375492, deflector kit into the rear auxiliary A/C module case per the installation instructions provided with the kit. The kit includes a deflector plate, foam insulation, sealing material, impingement foam and plastic retainer pins.
For parts in dealer inventory, P/N 12388507, A/C module kit containing the deflector kit are identified by a yellow dot on the outside of both the box and A/C module case. Module kits in dealer inventory without a yellow dot are to be returned to the source for exchange by contacting: Signet Systems Inc. (Customer Service) @ 1-800-377-6639 Extension 306. Do NOT return parts to GMSPO.
Part Information
P/N Description Qty
12375492 Deflector Kit, A/C 1
Evaporator Water
Parts are currently available from GMSPO.
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:
Labor Op Description Labor Time
Deflector Kit - Install
T-2220 (On Vehicle Repair Only) 1.9 hrs