Intake Manifold Replace
Intake manifold tightening sequence:
1. Disconnect cables from both batteries.
2. Remove engine cover.
3. Remove air cleaner.
4. Remove EGR/EPR solenoids with bracket from intake manifold studs.
5. Remove CDR valve.
6. Disconnect crankcase ventilation and EGR hoses from manifold.
7. On models equipped with A/C, remove rear A/C compressor bracket.
8. Remove fuel line bracket and disconnect ground strap from manifold.
9. Remove fuel filter bracket from manifold.
10. Remove intake manifold attaching bolts and fuel line clips. On models equipped with gear-driven vacuum pump, loosen pump clamp bolt and pivot pump aside to gain access to all manifold bolts.
11. Remove intake manifold and gasket.
12. Reverse procedure to install. Refer to Fig. 6, for bolt tightening sequence.