Parking Brake System: Adjustments
Rear Parking Brake Cable:
The parking brake must be adjusted any time the parking brake cables are serviced, or the holding ability is not adequate. Before adjusting the parking brake, check the condition of the service brakes. The service brakes must be adjusted properly before adjusting the parking brake.
1. Block the front wheels.
2. Raise the vehicle and support with safety stands.
3. Loosen the adjusting nut at the equalizer.
Parking Brake Adjustment Setting:
4. Set the parking brake by pushing the pedal down 18 degrees.
- Insert a 3 mm (.125 inch) pin into locating hole (A) in the pedal assembly. Push the pedal downward until the pin contacts the parking brake outer flange.
5. Turn adjusting nut until wheels rotate forward with moderate drag.
6. Release parking brake and rotate rear wheels.
- There should be no drag.
7. Lower the vehicle and unblock front wheels.