Tires - Replacement During Bumper to Bumper Warranty: Overview
File In Section: Warranty AdministrationBulletin No.: 70-05-01
Date: September, 1997
Tire Replacement During Bumper to Bumper Vehicle Warranty
All 1996 and Newer Passenger Cars and Light Duty Trucks and All 1995 Cadillac Models
Recent reviews of Tire Warranty Claims, including the physical inspection of tires returned by dealers to the tire manufacturers inspection centers, has identified areas of warranty administration needing improvement. The purpose of this bulletin is to point out those problem areas, recommend corrective solutions and to list the sources of information which could be of assistance to dealers in the administration of the tire portion of the GM Bumper to Bumper Vehicle Warranty.
There are a number of reasons that tires may require replacement. The following information identities those reasons and what actions, if any, should be taken.
When tire(s) replacement is required during the GM Bumper to Bumper Vehicle Warranty, they are to be obtained from the appropriate local tire dealer.
- Provide the local tire dealer with a properly completed photocopy of the GM Tire Requisition and Return Document, and the repair order.
- If assistance in obtaining replacement tire(s) is needed, contact the Tire Manufacturer using their toll-free Assistance Numbers:
Tire Manufacturer Assistance Numbers
BRIDGESTONE and 1-800-356-4644
GENERAL 1-800-847-3349
GOODYEAR 1-800-782-7949
MICHELIN 1-800-887-0662
B.F. GOODRICH 1-800-231-5893
Return of tire(s) adjusted under the GM Bumper to Bumper Vehicle Warranty to the appropriate tire manufacturer return centers.
- UPS will pickup adjusted tire(s) for return to the tire manufacturers return center during their routine weekly dealer delivery schedule. Dealer will not be charged tire return freight charges by UPS.
- Quantities of preprinted, prepaid UPS shipping labels to the tire manufacturer's return center are available at no-charge through GM Fulfillment 1-800-269-5100.
- Dealer should have adjusted tire(s) ready for pickup by UPS for shipment to the appropriate tire manufacturers return center within two business days after tire replacement(s). Tires scheduled for return are to be received at the tire manufacturers return location within 30 days after acquisition of the new tire(s). Dealer failure to return the failed tire(s) within this prescribed time limit will result in automatic debit of warranty claim.
Only tires replaced under the GM Bumper to Bumper Vehicle Warranty are to be returned to the tire manufacturers return center.
Tires adjusted under the GM Bumper to Bumper Vehicle Warranty, received at tire manufacturers return center, must include the following required paper work:
Tire Requisition and Return Document
- Complete the owner information, tire warranty data, replaced tire information, and reason for tire removal sections of the GM Tire Requisition and Return Document. Photocopy forms as needed from the GM Service Policies and Procedures Manual, Article 1.5, or Service Bulletins.