Repair Procedure
1. Remove the clutch pedal following the instructions in the 1997 C/K Truck Service Manual, Section 7C - Clutch, Page 4.2. Bend the left side of the support bracket inward until the dimension between the insides measures 3.681" - 3.720" (93.5 mm - 94.5 mm).
3. Reinstall the clutch pedal following the instructions in the 1997 C/K Truck Service Manual, Section 7C - Clutch, Page 4. To ease assembly, the left pivot bushing should be installed first. Two new clutch pedal anti-rattle bushings (P/N 15705367) and a new clutch master cylinder push rod bushing (P/N 93221087) must be used when reinstalling the pedal.
4. Inspect the clutch pedal pivot bushings to be sure that they are flush or extend past the outside of the support bracket.
5. Install the GM Campaign Identification Label.