Text Description of Splice Locations
SPLICES LOCATIONS100 (4.3 L Engine) Engine harness, 30 cm from VCM connector breakout
S101 (2.2 L Engine) Engine harness, 12 cm from the A/C refrigerant pressure sensor breakout
S101 (4.3L Engine: Engine harness 6.5 cm from generator breakout
S102 (2.2L Engine) Engine harness, 19 cm from injector harness breakout
S102 (4.3L engine) Engine harness, 8 cm left of generator breakout, 4.3L engine
S103 (2.2L Engine) Engine harness, 20 cm from A/C Compressor Clutch connector
S103 (4.3L Engine) Engine harness, 7.5 cm from the A/C compressor and high pressure cut out switch breakout
S104 (2.2L Engine) Engine harness, 20 cm from A/C Compressor Clutch connector
S104 (4.3L Engine) In engine harness 7.5 cm from the breakout to the A/C Compressor and High Pressure Cut Out Switch
S105 (2.2L Engine) Engine harness, 12 cm left of A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor breakout
S105 (4.3L Engine) Engine harness, 7.5 cm from C111 breakout
S106 (2.2L Engine) Engine harness, 8 cm from breakout to Connector C102 and oxygen sensor
S106 (4.3L Engine) Engine harness, 4 cm from generator breakout and toward the C104 connector
S107 (2.2L Engine) Engine harness, 15 cm from dash harness breakout
S107 (4.3L Engine) Engine harness, 4 cm from C104 breakout and toward the generator breakout
S108 (4.3L Engine) Engine harness, 13 cm from C102, C104 breakout and toward the connectors
S109 (2.2L Engine) Engine harness, 6 cm from breakout to starter and compressor relays
S109 (4.3L Engine) Engine harness, 7 cm to the right of C102, C103, and C104 breakout
S110 Engine harness, 16 cm from power distribution block ring terminal
S111 (4.3 L Engine A/T) In engine harness 15 cm from Vehicle Speed Sensor connector
S112 (4.3L Engine) Engine harness, 38 cm left of C105 breakout, LH side of engine
S114 Engine harness, 16 cm from generator ring terminal
S115 Front of dash harness, 16 cm from the No.3 battery junction block ring terminal
S116 Front of dash harness, 16 cm from the No.2 battery junction block ring terminal
S117 Front of dash harness, 16 cm from the No.1 battery junction block ring terminal
S118 I/P Extension Harness, 40 cm from breakout blower motor resistor
S119 Battery Harness, 18 cm from positive battery terminal
S120 Forward lamp harness, 7 cm right of LH headlamp breakout
S121 Forward lamp harness, 4 cm right of front windshield washer pump breakout
S122 Forward lamp harness, 6 cm right of LH headlamp breakout
S123 Forward lamp harness, 6 cm left of LH headlamp breakout
S124 Forward lamp harness, 13 cm right of LH headlamp breakout
S125 Forward lamp harness, 7 cm left of RH headlamp breakout
S126 Forward lamp harness, 7 cm left of G110 breakout
S127 Forward lamp harness. 16 cm from C115
S128 LN2 fuel injector harness, 3 cm from fuel injector No. 3 breakout toward C111
S130 Front of dash harness, 16 cm from the No.4 battery junction block ring terminal
S131 Engine harness, 16 cm from generator ring terminal
S132 Forward lamp harness, 5 cm left of LH horn breakout
S139 Fog lamp harness, 4 cm from LH fog lamp breakout toward G109 breakout
S140 (2.2L Engine) Engine harness, 17 cm from C175 breakout
S140 (4.3L Engine) Engine harness. 15 cm from C116 connector
S200 I/P harness, 20 cm from fuse block
S201 I/P harness, 4 cm from instrument cluster breakout
S202 I/P harness, 6 cm into headlamp switch breakout
S203 I/P harness, 5 cm right of instrument panel breakout
S204 I/P harness, 1 cm to right of the Instrument Cluster breakout
S205 I/P harness, 18 cm right of instrument cluster breakout
S206 I/P harness, 25 cm right of instrument cluster breakout
S207 I/P harness, 31 cm right of instrument cluster breakout
S208 I/P harness, 35 cm the right of the Instrument Cluster breakout
S209 I/P harness, 39 cm right of instrument cluster breakout
S210 I/P harness, 43 cm right of instrument cluster breakout
S211 I/P harness, 47 cm to right of die Instrument Cluster breakout
S212 I/P harness, 7 cm into the radio breakout
S213 I/P harness, 4 cm left of cigarette lighter breakout
S214 I/P harness, 4 cm right of cigarette lighter breakout
S215 I/P Harness, 6 cm into the breakout to the Heater and A/C Controller
S216 I/P harness, 39 cm right of Instrument cluster breakout
S218 1/P harness, 5 cm left of relay center breakout
S219 (2.2L Engine) I/P harness, 8 cm right of relay center breakout
S219 (4.3L Engine) I/P harness, 13 cm into the relay center breakout
S220 I/P harness, 6 cm into relay center breakout
S221 I/P harness, 5 cm right of relay center breakout
S222 I/P harness, 4 cm into the power distribution breakout
S224 I/P harness, 7 cm right of relay center breakout
S225 I/P harness, 7 cm right of relay center breakout
S226 Front of dash harness, 4 cm into body harness breakout
S227 Front of Dash, 8 cm into the data link connector breakout
S228 Front of dash harness, 15 cm right of P100
S229 Front of dash harness, 17 cm right of P100
S230 Front of dash harness, 25 cm right of P100
S231 Front of dash harness, 4 cm into clutch pedal position switch breakout
S232 Front of dash harness, 8 cm into the clutch pedal position and cruise control shutoff switch
S233 Front of dash harness, 27 cm right of P100
S234 Front of dash harness, 29 cm right of P100
S235 Front of dash harness, 35 cm right of P100
S236 Front of dash harness, 8 cm left of steering column breakout
S237 Front of dash harness, 4 cm left of steering column breakout
S238 (2.2L Engine) Front of dash harness, 11 cm into TCC Brake and Cruise Control Release Switch breakout
S238 (4.3L Engine) Front of dash harness, 11 cm into TCC Brake and Cruise Control Release Switch breakout
S239 Front of dash harness, 18 cm from TCC Brake and Cruise Control Release Switch
S240 Front of dash harness, 4 cm into steering column breakout
S241 In front-of-dash harness 6 cm to the right of the steering column breakout
S242 Front of dash harness, 13 cm right of steering column breakout
S243 Front of dash harness, 19 cm right of steering column breakout (W/ Manual Shift 4WD)
S244 Front of dash harness, 26 cm right of steering column breakout
S245 Front of dash harness, 28 cm right of steering column breakout
S246 (Utility) Front of dash harness, 37 cm right of steering column breakout
S247 (Utility Only) Front of dash harness, 10 cm into four wheel drive indicator switch breakout
S248 (Utility) Dash harness to floor shift A/T, 6 cm past breakout to A/T position lamp
S249 Front of dash harness, 15 cm right of crossbody harness breakout
S250 Front of dash harness, 13 cm right of 4WD indicator breakout
S251 (Utility) Front of dash harness, 29 cm right of 4WD indicator breakout
S252 Front of dash harness, 36 cm right of 4WD indicator breakout
S253 (Pickup) Crossbody harness, 32 cm left of door lock relay breakout
S253 (Utility) Crossbody harness, 38 cm right of door lock relay
S254 (Utility) Front of dash harness, 13 cm into transfer case control module breakout
S255 (Pickup) Crossbody harness, 18 cm right of LH door connectors
S255 (Utility) Front of dash harness, 4 cm to the right of the transfer case control module breakout
S256 (W/ RKE) Crossbody harness, 7 cm into RKE module breakout
S256 Front of dash harness, 1 cm right of outside air valve actuator breakout
S256 Front of dash harness, I cm right of outside air valve actuator breakout
S257 (Pickup) Crossbody harness, 8 cm left of speaker extension harness breakout
S257 (Pickup) Crossbody harness, S cm left of speaker extension harness breakout
S257 (Utility) Utility crossbody harness, 8 cm from breakout to Connector C202
S258 (Pickup) Crossbody harness, 4 cm left of speaker extension harness breakout
S258 (Utility) Front of dash harness, 45 cm from the DERM connector
S259 (Utility) Crossbody harness, 6 cm right of speaker extension harness breakout
S260 Front of dash harness, 3 cm from the inflatable restraint diagnostic energy reserve module
S261 Crossbody harness, 13 cm right of speaker extension harness breakout
S262 (Pickup) Crossbody harness, 19 cm right of C200 breakout
S262 (Utility) Crossbody harness, 19 cm left of RKE Module Breakout
S263 (Pickup) Crossbody harness, 13 cm right of C200 breakout
S263 (Utility) Crossbody harness, 13 cm left of RKE Module Breakout
S264 (Utility) Crossbody harness, 7 cm left of dash harness breakout
S265 (Four Door Utility) Crossbody harness, 19 cm left of RKE Module breakout
S266 (Utility) Body harness, 74 cm from dash harness connector
S267 (Utility) Body harness, 67 cm from dash harness connectors
S269 (Pickup) Dome lamps harness, S cm into sunshade mirror breakout
S269 (Utility) Dome lamps harness, 5 cm from inside rear view mirror breakout
S270 (Pickup) Dome lamps harness, 71 cm rear of sunshade mirror breakout
S270 (Utility) Dome lamps harness, 112 cm from front dome lamp
S271 Dome lamps harness, 23 cm right of LH sunshade mirror
S272 (Utility) Radio speaker harness, 4 cm into RH I/P tweeter breakout
S273 (Utility) Radio speaker harness, 4 cm into LH I/P tweeter breakout
S274 (Utility) Radio speaker harness, 4 cm from tweeter breakout
S275 (Utility) Radio speaker harness, 10 cm from tweeter breakout
S276 (Utility) Crossbody harness, 6 cm from C212 toward P500
S277 (Utility) Front of dash harness, 13 cm into the Transfer Case Shift Control Module connector breakout
S278 (Bravada) Dome lamps harness, 4 cm from inside rear view mirror breakout
S278 (Except Bravada) Dome Lamps harness, 11 cm into sunshade mirror breakout
S279 (2.2L Engine) Front of dash harness, 17 cm right of P100
S281 Crossbody harness, 13 cm right of speaker extension harness breakout
S282 Body harness, in pancake mold in floor pan area near driver's feet
S297 (Utility) I/P harness, 4 cm to the right of C202, C201 breakout
S298 (2.2L Engine) I/P Harness, 6 cm into the breakout to the Heater and A/C Controller
S298 (4.3L Engine) I/P harness, 21 cm from C202 (inline to I/P extension harness) connector
S299 I/P harness, 6 cm right of C200 breakout
S300 (4.3L Engine) Dome lamps harness, 71 cm rear of sunshade mirror breakout
S301 (4.3L Engine) Oxygen sensor harness, 24 cm before the pre-converter oxygen sensor
S302 (Four Door Utility) Body harness, 18 cm forward of tear doors
S303 (Four Door Utility) Body Harness, 8 cm into LH rear door breakout
S304 (Four Door Utility) Body harness, 13 cm into LH rear door breakout
S305 Body harness, 19 cm rear of rear doors breakout
S306 Body harness, 26 cm rear of rear door breakout, Utility
S307 Body harness, 26 cm forward of rear door breakout, (Utility)
S308 Body harness, 6 cm rear of rear door breakout, (Utility)
S317 Oxygen sensor jumper, 10 cm rear of C126 breakout
S318 Oxygen sensor jumper, 16 cm forward of C127 breakout
S319 Body harness, 6 cm forward of C406, C407 breakout, liftgate
S400 (Utility) Body harness, 6 cm from endgate harness breakout
S401 (Four Door Utility) Body harness, 6 cm below tail lamp harness breakout
S401 (Two Door Utility) Body harness, 30 cm below tail lamp harness breakout
S402 (Pickup) Chassis harness, 10 cm rear of fuel tank breakout
S402 (Utility) Body harness, 6 cm above LH tail lamp harness breakout
S403 (Four Door) Body harness, 34 cm above LH tail lamp harness breakout
S403 (Two Door) Body harness, 13 cm above LH tail lamp harness breakout
S404 (Utility) Body harness, 10 cm left of dome lamp breakout
S405 (Pickup) chassis harness, 20 cm rear of evaporative Emissions canister vent valve breakout
S405 (Utility) Body harness, 10 cm left of dome lamp breakout
S406 Chassis harness, 22 cm forward of tail lamp harness breakout
S407 (Pickup) Chassis harness, 15 cm forward of tail lamp harness breakout
S408 (Pickup) Chassis harness, 8 cm forward of tail lamp harness breakout
S409 (Pickup) Chassis harness, 8 cm from tail lamp harness breakout
S410 Rear lamps harness, 10 cm from body breakout harness
S411 Rear lamps harness, 37 cm from the LH tail lamp breakout
S412 (Pickup) Rear lamps harness, 15 cm to the right of the body harness breakout
S413 (Pickup) Rear lamps harness
S415 (Utility) Rear lamps harness, 6 cm forward of P402 on the LH side
S416 (Utility) Rear lamps harness, 6 cm forward of P403 on the RH side
S417 (Utility) Rear lamps harness, 10 cm to the rear of P402 on the LH side
S418 (Utility) Rear lamps harness, 10 cm to the rear of P403 on the RH side
S419 (Utility) Rear lamps harness, 4 cm from the breakout for the LH backup lamp
S420 (Utility) Rear lamps harness, 4 cm from the breakout for the RH backup lamp
S500 LH front door harness, 13 cm from crossbody harness connectors
S501 LH front door harness, 17 cm from crossbody harness connector
S502 LH front door harness, 11 cm from crossbody harness connector
S503 (Four Door Utility) LH front door harness, 19 cm from window switch connector
S601 (Utility) RH front door harness, 17 cm from crossbody harness connector
S602 RH front door harness, 13 cm from crossbody harness connector
S603 RH front door harness, 4 cm from outside rearview mirror breakout
S604 RH front door harness, 11 cm from outside rearview mirror breakout
S904 Liftgate harness, 4 cm from rear washer pump connector toward the body harness
S905 Liftgate harness, 4 cm from liftgate lock actuator toward the body harness