Troubleshooting Hints
1. CHECK condition of LIGHTING Fuse. if Fuse is open, LOCATE and REPAIR source of overload. REPLACE Fuse(s).2. CHECK that Grounds G103 (Gas), G104, G112, and G113 are clean and tight.
3. CHECK that Headlamp filaments are not open.
4. CHECK that the Instrument Cluster High Beam Indicator filament is not open.
5. CHECK that the Headlamp Switch 17A Circuit Breaker is not open. The circuit breaker will automatically reset after cooling down.
6. CHECK for a broken (or partially broken) wire inside the insulation which could cause system malfunction but prove GOOD in a continuity/voltage check with a system disconnected. These circuits may be intermittent or resistive when loaded, and, if possible, should be checked by monitoring for a voltage drop with the system operational (under load).
7. CHECK for proper installation of aftermarket electronic equipment which may affect the integrity of other systems. Refer to "General Troubleshooting Procedures". Diagnostic Aids