Cylinder Head Assemble
- Tools Required- J 8062 Valve Spring Compressor
- J 42073 Valve Stem Seal Installer
CAUTION: Refer to Safety Glasses Caution in Service Precautions.
IMPORTANT: The exhaust valve oil stem seal has the letters EX (1) molded into the top of the seal. The exhaust valve oil stem seal material is brown in color (2) with a white stripe (3) painted onto the outside diameter of the seal, or the material may be red in color (2) with no paint stripe. The intake valve stem oil seal is black in color.
1. Assemble the valve into the proper valve guide.
2. Select the proper valve stem oil seal for the specific valve guide.
3. Lubricate the valve stem oil seal and guide with clean engine oil.
4. Assemble the valve stem oil seal onto the valve stem.
5. Install the valve stem oil seal onto the valve guide using the J 42073.
Install the valve stem oil seal onto the valve guide until the J 42073 bottoms against the valve spring seat.
6. Inspect the valve stem oil seal. The valve stem oil seal should not be bottomed against the valve guide.
There should be a 1-2 mm (0.03937-0.07874 inch) gap between the bottom edge of the valve stem oil seal and the valve guide.
7. Install the valve spring (3).
8. Install the valve spring cap (2) onto the valve spring (3) and over the valve stem.
CAUTION: Compressed valve springs have high tension against the valve spring compressor. Valve springs that are not properly compressed by or released from the valve spring compressor can be ejected from the valve spring compressor with intense force. Use care when compressing or releasing the valve spring with the valve spring compressor and when removing or installing the valve stem keys. Failing to use care may cause personal injury.
9. Use the J 8062 in order to compress the valve spring.
10. Install the valve stem keys.
10.1. Use grease in order to hold the valve stem keys in place while disconnecting the J 8062.
10.2. Ensure that the valve stem keys seat properly in the upper groove of the valve stem.
10.3. Tap the end of the valve stem with a plastic-faced hammer in order to seat the valve stem keys, if necessary.