Clutch Fluid: Service and Repair
1. Fill the reservoir with new brake fluid. Use Delco Supreme(R) Brake Fluid (GM P/N 1052535) or equivalent.IMPORTANT: Never use fluid that you have bled from a system to fill the reservoir. The fluid may be aerated or contaminated.
2. Raise the vehicle.
3. Depress the clutch pedal (hold the pedal down).
4. Open the bleed screw on the concentric slave cylinder in order to expel the air.
5. Close the bleed screw then release the clutch pedal.
6. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 until all the air is out of the clutch system.
6.1. Check and refill the reservoir as needed while bleeding.
6.2. After bleeding, pump the clutch pedal several times. If the clutch engagement is not satisfactory, repeat the bleeding procedure.
IMPORTANT: Ensure no air is drawn into the clutch system.
7. If the previous procedures are unsuccessful, perform the following steps.
7.1. Remove the reservoir cap.
7.2. Pump the clutch pedal very fast for 30 seconds.
7.3. Stop pumping and let the air escape.
7.4. Repeat this procedure as necessary.
8. Lower the vehicle.