WPC Website
The WPC has implemented a website www.gmwpc.com to assist dealers in tracking their shipments to the WPC and to obtain copies of WPC forms. The website is available 24 hours a day and is being updated constantly. In order to access the website, dealers will need their BAC (Business Associate Code). The website has the following features:^ Viewing the status of open requests.
^ Viewing details of a single request (including reason for debit).
^ Hotlink to UPS.com for tracking packages.
^ Hotlink to Yellowfreight.com for tracking shipments.
^ The most current parts return bulletin.
^ Templates of WPC forms.
- Parts Waiver
- Shipping Log
- Material Request
- Yellow Freight Bill of Lading
Upon entering the website, dealers will have the choice of selecting a list of all open WPC requests or selecting a specific request. Open requests will be those which have not been received at the WPC as of the date queried. Single requests will give details of a particular request; namely-due date and reason for debit (if applicable). Dealers should check WPC status of request prior to accessing UPS tracking.