Fuel Injector Coil Test
Diagnostic Chart:
Test Description
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the diagnostic able.
2. This step is the setup step for performing the injector coil test. Also read the instructions included with the tools used for this test.
3. Engine coolant temperature affects the tool's ability to detect a faulty injector. If the engine coolant temperature is not between 50°F and 95°F, allow the vehicle to warm or cool as necessary.
4. Due to a current surge, the first second of the voltage reading may be inaccurate; therefore, begin recording after the first second of the voltage reading. The voltage specification should be within range. The voltage reading may increase throughout the test as the injector windings warm up and the resistance changes. An erratic voltage reading (one that jumps up and down) would indicate an intermittent connection within the fuel injector.