Troubleshooting Hints
PERFORM BEFORE BEGINNING SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS1. CHECK condition of TURN B/U Fuse 16.If fuse is open, LOCATE and REPAIR source of overload and REPLACE fuse.
2. CHECK Back up Lamps for damage to filament or corrosion between bulb and socket.
3. CHECK adjustment of Back up Lamp Switch.
4. CHECK that Ground G401 is clean and tight.
- REFER to Automatic Transmission for Park/Neutral Position Backup Lamp Switch access.
- REFER to Manual Transmission for Backup lamp Switch access.
- CHECK for a broken (or partially broken) wire inside of the insulation which could cause system failure but prove "GOOD" in a continuity/voltage CHECK with a system disconnected. These circuits may be intermittent or resistive when loaded, and if possible, should be checked by monitoring fuse voltage drop with the system operational (under load).
- CHECK for proper installation of aftermarket electronic equipment which may affect the integrity of other systems. Refer to "General Troubleshooting Procedures". Diagnostic Aids