Scan Tool Data List
Refer to the data tables when one of the following conditions exist:^ The Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC) System Check is complete.
^ The on board diagnostics are operating correctly.
^ No Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) are displayed.
The typical scan tools data values are an average of the displayed values recorded from normally operating vehicles. The typical scan tools data values represent the displayed values of a normally functioning system with certain preliminary settings. The values received may vary slightly due to a low battery charge or other reasons. The values should be very close.
Use only the parameters listed in the tables for diagnosis. If a scan tool reads other parameters the values are not recommended for use in diagnosis.
Refer to the applicable DTC table for more information on the following items:
^ Scan tool typical data values
^ The use of a scan tool in order to diagnose the IPC
If all of the values are within the specified range, refer to Instrument Cluster System Check.
Typical Scan Tool Data Display
Set the following preliminary settings in order to achieve the same typical data values listed in the table:
^ The parking brake is set with the ignition in the OFF position (DRL and AHL Disabled).
^ The ignition is in the RUN position.
^ The engine is running.
^ The upper radiator hose is hot.
^ The loop is closed.
^ The automatic transmission is in the PARK position.
^ The manual transmission is in the NEUTRAL position.
^ The air conditioning is OFF.