PRNDL Display
The PRNDL display light indicates the gear position as selected for the automatic transmission. The PRNDL circuit board, which is part of the instrument cluster, has power from TRANS fuse 24 when the ignition switch is in the RUN position. Voltage is available through CKT 1020 (PNK). The circuit board has ground in CKT 451 (BLK/WHT) to ground G101. The module receives 4 grounded inputs from the park/neutral position (PNP) switch. Depending on the gear position selected for the automatic transmission, a combination of 2-4 of these inputs have ground through the PNP switch. The PRNDL circuit board evaluates the inputs and lights the appropriate display. For a discussion of the PRNDL indication illumination, refer to
Interior Lights Dimming Circuit Description in Lighting Systems.
Description and Operation