Following is a list of abbreviations used in the wiring diagrams. The abbreviations have been developed in such a way that their meaning should be clear.A Ampere
A/C Air Conditioner
AC Alternating Current
ACC Accessory
AIR Air Injection Reaction
AIR/COND Air Conditioner
AMP Ampere
ANT Anticipate
ASM Assembly
ASSY Assembly
AUD Audio
AUTO Automatic
AUX Auxiliary
BAT Battery
BATT Battery
BI-LEV Bi-Level
BLK Black
BLT Belt
BLU Blue
BOT Bottom
BRK Brake
BRN Brown
BTSI Brake/Trans Shift Interlock
BU Backup
BUZZ Buzzer
CD Compact Disc
CID Cubic Inch Displacement
CIR/BRK Circuit Breaker
CIRC Circuit
CLSTR Cluster
CNTRL Control
COMP Compartment
COMP Compressor
CONN Connector
CONV Convenience
CRNK Crank
CTSY Courtesy
CYL Cylinder
DC Direct Current
DEF Defrost
DK Dark
DIAG Diagnostic
DIM Dimmer
DIR Directional
DISC Discrete
DIV Diverter
DLC Data Link Connector
DM Dome
DR Door
DRL Daytime Running Lamps (Canadian Only)
ECM Engine Control Module
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
ELEC Electric
ENG Engine
EPR Exhaust Pressure Regulator
ETR Electronically Tuned Radio
EXC Except
F-PUMP Fuel Pump
FLASH Flasher
FRT Front
4WD Four-Wheel Drive
GAU Gauges
GEN Generator
GRA Gray
GRD Ground
GRN Green
HAND Handling
HAZ Hazard
HD Heavy Duty
HDLP Headlamp
HI High
HTR Heater
IAC Idle Air Control
IGN Ignition
ILLUM Illumination
I/P Instrument Panel
INC Increased
IND Indicator
INJ Injector
INST Instrument
INSTR Instrument
INTER Interior
LD Light Duty
LH Left Hand
LO Low
LP Lamp
LPS Lamps
LT Light
LTR Lighter
M Motor
MAN Manual
MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure
MAX Maximum
MED Medium
MRKR Marker
MTR Manually Tuned Radio
MULT Multiple
NAT Natural
NEU Neutral
NO Normally Open
NC Normally Closed
ORN Orange
PCM Powertrain Control Module
PK Park
PLR Puller
PNK Pink
PNL Panel
PPL Purple
PRESS Pressure
PVAC Partial Vacuum
PWR Power
RCVR Receiver
REF Reference
RESIST Resistance
RH Right Hand
RKE Remote Keyless Entry
RPO Regular Production Option
RST Rust
RWAL Rear Wheel Antilock
SEN Sensor
SEND Sender
SIG Signal
SIL Silver
SIR Supplemental Inflatable Restraint
SKT Socket
SOL Solenoid
SPEEDO Speedometer
STR Stripe
STRG Steering
SW Switch
TACH Tachometer
TBI Throttle Body Fuel Injection
TCC Torque Converter Clutch
TCM Transmission Control Module
TEMP Temperature
T/L Taillamp
TP Throttle Position
TRANS Transmission
TYP Typical
V Volt
VAC Vacuum
VCM Vehicle Control Module
VEN Vent
VLV Valve
VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor
W/ With
W/O Without
W/S Windshield
W/WASHER Window Washer
WDO Window
WHT White
WGR Wiring
YEL Yellow