1. CHECK for an open or shorted filament within the inoperative bulb(s).2. Rear Lamp systems (Taillamps, Clearance Lamps, Endgate Lamps and License Lamps) all receive voltage from the same BRN (9) wire and share the same Ground G401.If only one system is not working, LOCATE and REPAIR open in wiring bulbs that pertain to that system.
3. CHECK condition of STOP/HAZ, PARK LPS, TURN-B/U and Fuse 2 (Pickup) Fuse(s). If fuse(s) is open, LOCATE and REPAIR source of overload. REPLACE fuse(s).
- CHECK for a broken (or partially broken) wire inside of the insulation that could cause system malfunction but prove good in a continuity/voltage check with a system disconnected. These circuits may be intermittent or resistive when loaded, and if possible, should be checked by monitoring for a voltage drop with the system operational (under load).
- CHECK for proper installation of aftermarket electronic equipment which may affect the integrity of other systems. Refer to "General Troubleshooting Procedures". Diagnostic Aids