The capability to program a key fob into the VIM is provided in case of a lost or broken key fob. An additional key fob is needed if the VIM is replaced. All the key fobs must be programmed into the VIM during this procedure. All stored fob codes are erased upon receipt of a valid code. In order to accomplish this procedure, refer to Override Procedure.When the SECURITY lamp is ON steady for 10 seconds this indicates the override code has been accepted. Perform the following steps:
1. While the SECURITY lamp is ON, press either button on the key fob twice with at least 1 second between presses. The SECURITY lamp will flash 12 times in a 4 second period in order to acknowledge storing of the key fob fixed and variable code. Also that all formerly stored codes have been erased.
2. Step 1 may be repeated 3 more times for a total of 4 key fobs. If the VIM does not receive a key fob signal within 10 seconds after the correct override code has been entered, the immobilization function will be inactive for 2 minutes (enable fuel continue message to VCM) and the SECURITY lamp is turned OFF. If the ignition switch is turned OFF and then ON within the 2 minutes, the engine will start.