Cross Line - Warranty Information
File In Section: 00 - General InformationBulletin No.: 00-00-89-021
Date: August, 2000
Cross-line Warranty
2001 and Prior Passenger Cars and Trucks
All U.S. General Motors Dealers
Cross-line warranty capability was recently announced to wholesale personnel and GM dealers via a DCS administrative message and a hard copy letter was sent to GM dealers only. The following bulletin provides additional information for dealers wishing to perform cross-line warranty repairs. We have also provided a section for Frequently Asked Questions that will address additional inquiries we have received since the release of the DCS message.
One of the benefits of cross-line warranty is the ability to perform repairs for customers in an emergency situation. Since emergency situations can be subjective from a customer's perspective, the dealer will need to determine if the situation merits urgent attention. While additional tools or training are not required, dealers should exercise good judgment regarding their ability to perform the repair. The overall intent is to provide an opportunity for customer satisfaction in a potentially negative ownership experience. If the dealer has questions regarding a specific situation, they should be reviewed with the Area Service Manager (AVM).
The second instance in which cross-line warranty can be performed is for used vehicles. Any used GM vehicle resold by a GM dealer may obtain warranty service from the selling GM dealer regardless of the dealer's new vehicle franchise. This will be helpful to dealers who have sold a used vehicle to a customer that is different from their franchise and will not have to turn the customer away for any remaining warranty work.
Cross-line warranty is not to be a replacement for the GM Certified Used Vehicle process. This process still remains intact and is administered by the GM Certified Used Vehicle Department.
Lastly, cross-line warranty capability is now available for designated commercial light duty trucks. Designated commercial dealers are defined as those dealers that meet the standards of the Light Duty Commercial Program and have signed the Dealer Participation Agreement. The matrix should help in identifying which light duty commercial vehicles qualify for cross-line repairs by designated commercial dealers.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I start to perform cross-line warranty repairs and which model year vehicles can I service?
You can now submit cross-line warranty claims for any model year vehicle with warranty remaining, provided that the repair fails within one of the three established and previously stated guidelines.
Can I promote my cross-line warranty capability?
No. After receiving input from both the National Dealer Council and GM, GM agreed that in order to protect brand identity and dealers' equity in their franchise, dealers will not be permitted to advertise cross-line warranty service by any means including direct mail or other dealer mailings. Any violation of this could result in on-site consultation, audit, dealer charge back or termination of cross-line capability.
Can I perform a recall repair if one is outstanding on a used vehicle or one that has come into my shop as a result of an emergency situation? Yes. The campaign should be completed if the customer is at the dealer under one of the three established and previously stated guidelines. However, dealers should always check General Motors Vehicle Inquiry Service (GMVIS) to see if there is an outstanding campaign prior to the vehicle being sold. Dealers also need to make sure that they have the right tools and training to perform any recall. How do I submit a warranty claim on a cross-line warranty repair?
No changes are necessary to the warranty claim payment submission process in accommodating cross-line warranty repairs. Submission of cross-line warranty repair claims within the warranty period are to be done following established business processes and practices. Wholesale authorization must be obtained for any claim outside the warranty period on a non-franchised vehicle.
Will cross-line customers be excluded from receiving CSI surveys?
No. Cross-line warranty repairs are projected to be minute and are not considered to be the core repair business of the dealership. In addition, exclusion would be difficult and would interfere with the statistically valid selection process CSI has in place.
Why are Saturn and Saab excluded from participating in cross-line warranty? Saturn and Saab each have unique warranty claim payment and parts distribution systems. This would make it particularly difficult for non-Saturn and Saab dealers to procure parts or obtain reimbursement for the repair.
Does cross-line warranty capability alter the Roadside Assistance policies?
No. Roadside Assistance parameters require the vehicle be directed first to the selling dealer when practical, then to the closest franchised dealer, and last, to the nearest GM dealer.