General Description
The OnStar(R) service offers customers unique communication, navigation, security, and customer assistance features. These are made possible by the national cellular telephone infrastructure, the military global position system (GPS) navigation system, the OnStar(R) Center (OC) and the vehicle installed OnStar(R) equipment. The vehicle installed equipment will be referred to as the Vehicle Communication Platform (VCP). The VCP includes a cellular telephone, cellular data modem, and the GPS receiver. This equipment requires a data and/or voice interface with the OnStar(R) Center to provide any services. A monthly service fee is charged for OnStar(R) services, similar to the billing arrangement used by cellular telephone carriers or cable TV operators. This fee includes all cellular air time charges.OnStar(R) Services
OnStar(R) offers these following services:
Impact Detection
Following a front air bag deployment, the VCP automatically notifies the OnStar(R) Center that an accident has occurred. The OnStar(R) Center will respond by attempting to establish voice contact with the occupant(s) of the accident vehicle on the cellular equipment. If the driver does not respond or requests help, the OnStar� Center advisor contacts the nearest emergency services provider with an accident report and vehicle location.
In the event that the cellular connection to the vehicle is terminated, the OnStar(R) Center advisor will attempt to reestablish contact with the vehicle. If this step fails to reconnect the OnStar(R) Center advisor with the occupants of the vehicle, emergency services will be dispatched to the vehicle's location.
Emergency Key Press
Driver contacts the OnStar(R) Center Emergency Hot Line with a single key press.
Theft Detection
Following detection of unauthorized entry by the vehicle's factory installed content theft deterrent system, the VCP will automatically send a data message to the OnStar(R) Center. An OnStar(R) Center Advisor will then contact the vehicle owner and local authorities, while continuing to track the vehicle location with GPS data.
Roadside Assistance Key Press
Driver contacts the OnStar(R) Center with a single key press.
Driver contacts OnStar(R) Center requesting the current vehicle location and directions to their desired destination.
Lock/Unlock Doors
Driver calls OnStar(R) Center, asks for unlock (or lock) signal to be sent to vehicle. OnStar(R) Center Advisor can set time delay also.
Flash Lights/Honk Horn
Driver calls OnStar(R) Center requesting that lights/horn are cycled to aid in finding the vehicle in a parking lot or parking structure.