Rear Axle - Disassemble
Disassembly Procedure^ Tools Required
- J 2619-01 Slide Hammer
- J 8107-4 Differential Side Bearing Puller Pilot
- J 8614-01 Companion Flange Holder
- J 22813-01 Axle Bearing Puller
- J 22888-20A Differential Side Bearing Puller
- J 22912-01 Bearing Remover
1. Raise the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
2. Support the axle with a suitable portable safety stand.
3. Remove the brake drums.
4. Remove the axle cover bolts, the cover and the gasket. Drain the axle lubricant.
5. Remove the pinion shaft lock bolt.
6. Remove the pinion shaft.
^ Push the axle shaft in towards the center of the differential case.
^ Remove the C lock from the end of the axle shaft.
7. Remove the axle shaft from the axle housing.
8. Remove the oil seal, using a seal removal tool. Do not to damage the housing.
Important: The jaws of the tool must engage the bearing outer race.
9. Remove the bearing, using J2619-O1 and J 22813-01.
10. Remove the differential pinion and the side gears.
11. Roll the pinion gears out of the case with the pinion thrust washers.
12. Mark the gears and the differential case left and right when removing the side gears and the side gear thrust washers.
13. Remove the bearing caps and bolts. Mark the caps and the housing left and right.
Notice: When removing the differential case from the axle housing, do not damage the cover gasket surface. If the cover gasket surface is damaged lubricant may leak from the axle and cause premature failure of the axle assembly.
14. Remove the differential case.
15. Pry the case from the axle housing at the differential window.
16. Remove the bearing outer races, the shims, and the spacers.
17. Mark the races and shims left and right. Place the races and the shims with the bearing caps.
Important: The jaws of the J22888-20A must pull from beneath the bearing cone and not the cage.
18. Remove the differential side bearings, using the J 8107-4 and the J 22888-20A.
19. Remove the left handed threaded ring gear bolts.
Notice: Do not pry the ring gear from the case. This will damage the ring gear and differential case.
20. Remove the ring gear from the differential.
Drive the gear off with a brass drift if necessary.
21. Check the differential drive pinion bearing preload.
^ If there is no reading, check the drive pinion gear for looseness by shaking the gear.
^ When operating the rear axle for an extended period of time with loose bearings or a worn yoke/flange, you will need to replace the ring and pinion gear.
22. Check the pinion assembly for looseness by moving the pinion back and forth. Looseness indicates excessive bearing wear.
23. Remove the pinion yoke/flange nut and washer using J 8614-01 to hold the pinion yoke/flange.
24. Remove the pinion yoke/flange using the J 8614-01.
25. Remove the pinion from the axle housing.
^ Thread the pinion nut halfway onto the pinion.
^ Install the differential cover with two bolts in order to prevent the pinion from falling.
^ Drive the pinion out of the housing with a hammer and a drift.
^ Remove the pinion and cover.
26. Remove the collapsible spacer from the pinion. Discard the spacer.
27. Remove the outer seal, using a seal removal tool, and the outer pinion bearing.
28. Remove the inner bearing and the shim from the pinion.
29. Press the bearing off of the pinion using the J 22912-01.
30. Remove the shim.
31. Remove the drive pinion bearing cups from the axle housing using a hammer and punch in the slots provided. Move the punch back and forth between one side of the cup and the other in order to work the cups out of the housing evenly.