Rear Spring Bushing Replacement
Removal Procedure
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
2. Remove the leaf spring assembly from vehicle. Refer to Leaf Spring Replacement.
3. Remove the bushing from the leaf spring using the following procedure:
3.1. Place the leaf spring in a press.
3.2. Press the bushing out.
3.3. Clean the spring bushing bore of any foreign or old bushing material.
Installation Procedure
1. Apply rubber lubricant to the bushing (1) and spring eye (2).
2. Install the bushing to the leaf spring.
2.1. Place the leaf spring in a press.
2.2. Press the bushing into the spring.
3. Install the leaf spring assembly to the vehicle. Refer to Leaf Spring Replacement.
4. Remove the safety stands.
5. Lower the vehicle.